Rush Costs (1) less for each non-Rogue Class card added to your hand this game.
A big fan of four-claw discounts.
Rush - Can attack minions immediately.
Play VO_AV_298_Male_Gnoll_Play_01
Attack VO_AV_298_Male_Gnoll_Attack_01
Death VO_AV_298_Male_Gnoll_Death_01
Cost increased to 6 (from 5). Attack decreased to 3 (from 4).
Nerf reverted: now costs 5 (down from 6), Attack increased to 4 (from 3).
Attack decreased to 3 (from 4).
Cost reduction requirement changed to non-Rogue class cards (instead of cards from another class).
a potentially VERY cheap mid range rush minion is almost never a bad thing
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a potentially VERY cheap mid range rush minion is almost never a bad thing