Hearthstone's Standard meta has shifted a little at the top as some decks rise and others fall, but most players are eagerly awaiting card reveals from the TITANS expansion. Still, let's take a quick look at the current state of Standard. Here are the five decks with the best overall winrates (according to HSReplay) at Diamond and Legend ranks.

Or, if you're a contrarian, we've once again included a counter-pick for each meta deck, an off-meta strategy that appears to do well against it - this brings our total to 10 decks for your viewing pleasure.

Hound Hunter

The power of Hollow Hound keeps Hound Hunter at the head of the pack and that's not likely to change before the new expansion drops. The featured list adds Mister Mukla for another big body to summon from Faithful Companions and Stranglethorn Heart.

Counter-pick: Thaddius Warlock

A deck running Thaddius, Monstrosity is once again your best chance for picking up wins against Hound Hunter. This version of Thaddius Warlock uses the Abyssal Curse package for slow damage over time, in addition to the healing that Za'qul provides.

Enrage Warrior

Enrage Warrior has gotten leaner and meaner since the last time we saw them, shedding the heavy late-game of Grommash Hellscream for Crazed Wretch to be able to answer the board or threaten huge amounts of damage earlier in the game.

Counter-pick: Secret Rogue

The trickiness of Secret Rogue is not something that Enrage Warrior can get their head around, using Secrets and Concoctions to make things miserable for the opponent. This list also includes new YOLO button Prison of Yogg-Saron for some potential shenanigans.

Outcast Demon Hunter

Outcast Demon Hunter remains committed to the strength of Halveria Darkraven turning Rush minions into boardwide buffs, and it's another deck taking a chance with Prison of Yogg-Saron.

Counter-pick: Blood Death Knight

Blood Death Knight is a popular choice on ladder, even if its winrate is no longer what it once was. However, Blood DK is a good deck to use to farm Outcast Demon Hunter decks with its massive amounts of removal and lifegain. It's also running Prison of Yogg-Saron, and the Yogg-Off can turn into a fun little minigame if you let it.

Totem Shaman

Totem Shaman is convinced of the draw power of Magatha, Bane of Music despite running double Bloodlust. Remixed Totemcarver provides extra Totemic power to a deck already swimming in Totems.

Counter-pick: Control Priest

It's simple: if you want to beat Totem Shaman, you must control their board. No deck currently does this better than Control Priest: it has the AoEs, the Discover, and the healing to outlast the aggression of Thrall's whittling hobby. E.T.C., Band Manager and his tour bus bring Shadow Word: Ruin, Steamcleaner, Theotar, the Mad Duke.

Relic Demon Hunter

The final of our top five decks is Relic Demon Hunter, a deck whose engine takes a while to get going but is hard to stop once its humming. The extra tech of Queen Azshara turns incidental early spell casting into big Power at the right time.

Counter-pick: Zok Druid

We've gone a bit off the beaten path for a counter to Relic Demon Hunter, for a Druid built to make big bodies from Zok Fogsnout by boosting its Hero Power throughout the game and making those bodies impossible to kill with The Jailer. E.T.C., Band Manager is ready to rock with Crazed Alchemist, Smothering Starfish, and Tony, King of Piracy.

What top decks are you playing in Pre-TITANS Hearthstone? Share them in our deckbuilder and show them off in the comments below.