Hearthstone's Twist format returns this month with a new... twist. This time, it's what is known by MTG slang as "Pauper", where every card in your deck is a Common. If you're a casual player that doesn't spend that much money on the game and doesn't have a huge collection of Legendaries, then now is your time to shine! You'll be on the same playing field as everybody else for a change. Community member sule has even put together an overview as to what you might expect the other classes to be running this month.

Sets available this time are:

  • Current Core set.
  • Caverns of Time
  • Every expansion from Classic up to Descent of Dragons

Demon Hunter and Death Knight are both not available for this Twist season. While both classes have cards for Core, they both lack any cards for Caverns of Time and no expansion cards meaning that decks with either of these classes would be severely handicapped in options if they were to theoretically be allowed.

Quote From Hearthstone
The new Twist Format is live!

Build a Common-Only deck to climb the ladder now.

What do you think of this new Twist format? Do you have decks with it that are working well for you? Let us know down in the comments below.