Card voice actor speculation

Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago by

Most Hearthstone characters have uncredited, unconfirmed voice actors, but I bet everyone's probably speculating who they are. Some well-known characters are already credited in WoW and their voices are very similar in Hearthstone, others have their VA listed on other sites. Here are my guesses (NOT confirmations) on the unconfirmed voice actors, which I assumed from comparing characters with known VAs in Hearthstone or notable roles in other media.

Abusive Sergeant: Jamieson Price (voice of Lord Jaraxxus)

Warsong Commander: Melodee Spevack (voice of Ichoron, as well as Garudamon from Digimon)

Bittertide Hydra: Lani Minella (voice of Golakka Crawler) She was credited in the Un'Goro leak under several animalistic voices like Golakka Crawler, "Pterodactyl" (there are several in the expansion) and "Hydra". Bittertide is the only hydra in the expansion and sounds a lot like Golakka.

Seaforium Bomber: Nika Futterman (Luna Loud from The Loud House, Sticks the Badger from Sonic Boom)

New Secretkeeper: Karen Strassman (voice of Chromie and Jandice Barov)

Illidari Felblade: Sophia Amoss (voice of Squeamlish and Spellward Jeweler)

Silas Darkmoon: Bob Beal (Veigar from League of Legends) They sound so similar with the voice crack and everything, but it's unlikely.

  • RealJC1234TheToonist's Avatar
    195 50 Posts Joined 02/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Most Hearthstone characters have uncredited, unconfirmed voice actors, but I bet everyone's probably speculating who they are. Some well-known characters are already credited in WoW and their voices are very similar in Hearthstone, others have their VA listed on other sites. Here are my guesses (NOT confirmations) on the unconfirmed voice actors, which I assumed from comparing characters with known VAs in Hearthstone or notable roles in other media.

    Abusive Sergeant: Jamieson Price (voice of Lord Jaraxxus)

    Warsong Commander: Melodee Spevack (voice of Ichoron, as well as Garudamon from Digimon)

    Bittertide Hydra: Lani Minella (voice of Golakka Crawler) She was credited in the Un'Goro leak under several animalistic voices like Golakka Crawler, "Pterodactyl" (there are several in the expansion) and "Hydra". Bittertide is the only hydra in the expansion and sounds a lot like Golakka.

    Seaforium Bomber: Nika Futterman (Luna Loud from The Loud House, Sticks the Badger from Sonic Boom)

    New Secretkeeper: Karen Strassman (voice of Chromie and Jandice Barov)

    Illidari Felblade: Sophia Amoss (voice of Squeamlish and Spellward Jeweler)

    Silas Darkmoon: Bob Beal (Veigar from League of Legends) They sound so similar with the voice crack and everything, but it's unlikely.

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