Poll without poll: (hey can we get polls?) -- Rastakhan/Shadows or Old Stuff Package?

Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by

I'm thinking about buying one of the sales sets. Talk me into one or out of it.


PRO: I am missing a bit on legendaries from Rastakhan. As for Shadows, I'd love to get Chef Nomi or Heistbaron Togwaggle. (Fel Lord B would be cool if the mechanic could be viable; I love him in single-player Heist).

CON: $20 for 800 dust, a whatever card back and meh hero art at the worst.

Also, I had pretty good luck with the RoS set in landing key legendaries, plus the HOF dust helped. And I received three legenderies in the last six Rastakhan packs I opened (one golden). Don't think the Pack Gods are that generous still.



PRO: The only real legendary I'd be pursuing is Mal'Ganis. 

Even if I don't hit it, and if I had the worst luck, 56x40 = 2,240 dust. Enough for maybe crafting Mal'Ganis, something in standard, or better yet, the next expansion. I also don't have much of GvG and The Grand Tournament.

CON: I'm playing Big Priest or anti-BP warlock decks (which would be my main gig if I didn't run into aggro and hunters they do poorly against). And I'd hate to reacquire some crap legendaries or epics I dusted.



PRO: They had a $10 or $20 sale for extra cards if I recall from RoS. More new cards and chances for whatever spiffy legendaries and epics.

CON: One big thing is I hate aggro. If the next expansion feels like it's going more for aggro and sticky minions, I'm leaning towards just playing Heist for the year. Feel like vomiting in boredom with hunters, tree druids and murloc shaman as opponents. (I like control v. OTK or another control myself).

  • ShotgunSoul's Avatar
    240 168 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I'm thinking about buying one of the sales sets. Talk me into one or out of it.


    PRO: I am missing a bit on legendaries from Rastakhan. As for Shadows, I'd love to get Chef Nomi or Heistbaron Togwaggle. (Fel Lord B would be cool if the mechanic could be viable; I love him in single-player Heist).

    CON: $20 for 800 dust, a whatever card back and meh hero art at the worst.

    Also, I had pretty good luck with the RoS set in landing key legendaries, plus the HOF dust helped. And I received three legenderies in the last six Rastakhan packs I opened (one golden). Don't think the Pack Gods are that generous still.



    PRO: The only real legendary I'd be pursuing is Mal'Ganis. 

    Even if I don't hit it, and if I had the worst luck, 56x40 = 2,240 dust. Enough for maybe crafting Mal'Ganis, something in standard, or better yet, the next expansion. I also don't have much of GvG and The Grand Tournament.

    CON: I'm playing Big Priest or anti-BP warlock decks (which would be my main gig if I didn't run into aggro and hunters they do poorly against). And I'd hate to reacquire some crap legendaries or epics I dusted.



    PRO: They had a $10 or $20 sale for extra cards if I recall from RoS. More new cards and chances for whatever spiffy legendaries and epics.

    CON: One big thing is I hate aggro. If the next expansion feels like it's going more for aggro and sticky minions, I'm leaning towards just playing Heist for the year. Feel like vomiting in boredom with hunters, tree druids and murloc shaman as opponents. (I like control v. OTK or another control myself).

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