Hidden Changes

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

I have noticed that a couple of minor things have changed since the last update which were not mentioned on the site (at least not to my knowledge). 

first of all, they have added another set filter. right now it will show you all the buffed cards as well as snip-snap, and I am guessing it will show nerfed cards, HoFed cards, and other such stuff in the future.

also when building a deck you can now exceed 30 cards, you can not play a deck with more than thirty, but you can add as many cards as you like while building it. and when you add whizbang/zayle it will not automatically remove all the cards and finish the deck, it will just change the maximum number of cards too (1) until you remove them. 

I though these changes were neat, and I had no idea about them until after I had discovered them on my own. and as far as I know, Blizzard has not mentioned these changes anywhere. 

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I have noticed that a couple of minor things have changed since the last update which were not mentioned on the site (at least not to my knowledge). 

    first of all, they have added another set filter. right now it will show you all the buffed cards as well as snip-snap, and I am guessing it will show nerfed cards, HoFed cards, and other such stuff in the future.

    also when building a deck you can now exceed 30 cards, you can not play a deck with more than thirty, but you can add as many cards as you like while building it. and when you add whizbang/zayle it will not automatically remove all the cards and finish the deck, it will just change the maximum number of cards too (1) until you remove them. 

    I though these changes were neat, and I had no idea about them until after I had discovered them on my own. and as far as I know, Blizzard has not mentioned these changes anywhere. 

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • earl's Avatar
    105 3 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I also think Offline Mode is a new thing on my iphone?!

  • fez's Avatar
    350 128 Posts Joined 03/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    that sounds really cool if true, will have to test it in the evening, 

    being able to put more than 30 cards in your deck is a great idea, as you usually start with putting 2 of each you think might fit and then you start cutting them out

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Did anyone else notice they changed the text on Kingsbane slightly? Same effect, just slightly new wording. This may have happened awhile ago and I didn't catch it until yesterday when playing a Heist.

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Pezman

    Did anyone else notice they changed the text on Kingsbane slightly? Same effect, just slightly new wording. This may have happened awhile ago and I didn't catch it until yesterday when playing a Heist.

    The text change happened Nov. 29, 2018: https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Kingsbane

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From MalcolmReynolds

    I have noticed that a couple of minor things have changed since the last update which were not mentioned on the site (at least not to my knowledge). 

    first of all, they have added another set filter. right now it will show you all the buffed cards as well as snip-snap, and I am guessing it will show nerfed cards, HoFed cards, and other such stuff in the future.

    also when building a deck you can now exceed 30 cards, you can not play a deck with more than thirty, but you can add as many cards as you like while building it. and when you add whizbang/zayle it will not automatically remove all the cards and finish the deck, it will just change the maximum number of cards too (1) until you remove them. 

    I though these changes were neat, and I had no idea about them until after I had discovered them on my own. and as far as I know, Blizzard has not mentioned these changes anywhere. 

    Are you talking about the game itself or the outof.cards Deckbuilder? I think there's some confusion within the thread.

  • Cocoduf's Avatar
    350 81 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I found out something was wrong when I could add a Zayle to my already full deck. I don't think it's a feature because as soon as I exited my Collection, the game crashed.

  • zoobernut's Avatar
    Swamp 255 137 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    There is a bug involved in this too. I created two new decks after the update. Each one I added some cards then had to take a break and saved the decks before they were finished opting to leave them with less than 30 cards in them. I went back later and filled them to 30 cards and completed the decks. Now whenever I log in the decks show the red numbers in the corner indicating they are not complete and say they are missing cards. I can't play with them and if I click on them it asks me if I want to autocomplete them. If instead of autocompleting I go into my collection and click on the deck it actually does have all 30 cards in it and it registers that and I can play with the deck. 

    Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done. 

    Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!

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