New Death Knight Minion - Amateur Puppeteer ( External Link )

A new Rare Death Knight Minion, Amateur Puppeteer, has been revealed!
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This plus the spellstone, Death Knights are into handbuffing next expansion. We'll still have Harmonic Metal, too.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Hey look it's my beloved Mistress of Mixtures. Glad to see that she found a new profession.
I feel this might be a nerf candidate. Mostly because of the mini.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I want Undead Buff DK to be good so very, very bad. I'm not in love with this card but I think it could be a decent mid-game buff for your hand full of Undead and I'm obviously willing to give it a go.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
The viability of handbuff has always been questionable, but this is certainly a strong handbuff card. Not only is the buff pretty strong, but it also buffs the Mini, which in turn allows you to buff your hand even further.
If handbuff DK finally ends up working, this will be a star performer in that deck.
Handbuff DK tool is always good. Sounds fun and exciting
The Art is just... Art.
So, handbuffs for DK. This should be good. Especially the Mini that will be very easy to kill for the second buff.
Seems decent, will definitely be playing this in Handbuff DK; taunt is great and the mini as well +4/+4 oml
Looks like they are trying to move the handbuff synergy from BBB DK to BUU DK
This is obviously the right move in keeping the strong removal to Full Blood.
While the BUU DKs will have new pieces to compound the plague DK infestation.
This is a really strong card. The Taunt is essential here and the buffs are very impactful. I have high hopes for Handbuff DK to take off and this will be a centerpiece of that deck.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
+4/+4 for 6 Mana is really nice, so the Miniaturize makes it worth playing. Buff DK giving buff Paladin a run for their money.
VERY slow, even for handbuff DK. Wouldnt be surprised to see this buffed to 4 mana eventually.
Huh, the mini is still an Undead!... Oh no... It's still an Undead... Oh no... It's made of bones...
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?