Living Seed (Rank 1)

Card Stats
- Class Druid
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Rare
- Cost 2
- Attack 0
- Health 0
Card Text
Draw a Beast. Reduce its Cost by (1). (Upgrades when you have 5 Mana.)
Flavor Text
Every desert needs an oasis. And it's Guff's duty to make it happen.
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Living Seed (Rank 2) Living Seed (Rank 3)Leave a Comment
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Now Druid of the Plains become even better all of a sudden
A long time ago when I was looking for a tutor for gonk druid I wanted a card like this, at the time there was only Predatory Instincts which did not have the desired effect I wanted. I might try it out. I hope we get more synergy but it seems it's more taunt based things so far. Hopefully in neutral.
Something to replace in ramp Druid...
Draw power for druid!! impossible