
Card Stats
- Class Warrior
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Legendary
- Cost 3
- Attack 2
- Health 3
Card Text
Rush After a friendly minion attacks and survives, give it +1/+1.
Flavor Text
"Tread carefully, but stand tall, and stand together. For strength and honor!" —Rokara
Rush - Can attack minions immediately.
Rokara Sounds
Play VO_BAR_847_Female_Orc_Play_01
Play 1h_Axe_Underlay_Play
Play HS_LegendaryStinger_Rokara
Attack VO_BAR_847_Female_Orc_Attack_01
Attack 1h_Axe_Underlay_Attack
Death VO_BAR_847_Female_Orc_Death_01
Death 1h_Axe_Underlay_Death
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This feels like it will be a wonderful addition to anything that uses Rush. Drop this with any deck that uses E.T.C., God of Metal and there is board presence and punches to the face. I like it.
This seems kind of weak to me for a legendary.