Tradeable Lifesteal. Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions.
"Look pal, I don't care what kind of legion you saved the world from, pay up or else."
Lifesteal - Damage dealt also heals your hero.
Tradeable - Play the card normally or swap it with a random one from your deck by paying 1 mana.
Why does Paladin have a Priest card?
And a better Spirit Lash if anything? Why?
This is insane with spell damage. So paladin will need to find neutrals or ways to increase this, but still... not horrible. Can be combined with thalnos for a 4 mana consecration that also heals you.
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Why does Paladin have a Priest card?
And a better Spirit Lash if anything? Why?
This is insane with spell damage. So paladin will need to find neutrals or ways to increase this, but still... not horrible. Can be combined with thalnos for a 4 mana consecration that also heals you.