United in Stormwind Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide
United in Stormwind is the second Hearthstone set being released in the Year of the Gryphon. The expansion will launch on August 3 with a mini set being added later in the year.
United in Stormwind Quick Info
- New Keyword: Tradeable - Play the card like normal or swap it with a random one from your deck by paying 1 mana.
- Questlines - Legendary Quest spells with three parts!
- After completing a quest, you'll automatically get the next part alongside a small reward.
- The third and final part awards you with a legendary Mercenary with a powerful effect.
- Mounts - Buff spells that summon a minion with the same stats and effect as the buff itself when the buffed minion dies.
- Profession Tools - 0-Attack Weapons with special effects.
United in Stormwind Freebies
- Login starting NOW to get a free Flightmaster Dungar!
What is in the United in Stormwind Mega Bundle
- 80 United in Stormwind card packs.
- 5 Golden United in Stormwind card packs.
- Battlegrounds Perks.
- Ve’nari Alternate Battlegrounds Bartender (Pre-Purchase)
- Lady Katrana Prestor Mage Hero Portrait.
- 2 random Golden United in Stormwind Legendary cards.
- Lady Katrana Prestor card back.
What is in the United in Stormwind Bundle?
The United in Stormwind Bundle includes:
- 60 United in Stormwind card packs.
- 2 random United in Stormwind Legendary cards.
- Lady Katrana Prestor card back.
United in Stormwind Community Compendium
See how the community initially rated the expansion! Check out the United in Stormwind Community Compendium!
Revealed Cards for United in Stormwind
These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for United in Stormwind.
Demon Hunter
United in Stormwind Board
We're getting a new board with the expansion.
United in Stormwind Cinematic
United in Stormwind Announcement
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I feel pretty good about how I was able to keep up with rating the cards this reveal cycle. I've rated them all now and I'm pretty sure I've commented on them all. Looks like a pretty decent set coming up. I'm excited to try and make a Lady Prestor deck and a boar deck work out. Who cares if they are good, I just want to have a fun payoff.
Should I leave a quest log spot open for the legendary quest, when the expansion launches, or will the 4th one do?
Any word about when we can open our packs? I don't remember if they had virtual pre-release parties for Forged in the Barrens, and I can't find any news stories about it (I can find stories for Darkmoon Faire). Did they just let everyone open their packs the weekend before, or did people have to create fireside gatherings, or did they not let people open packs early?
Woo, I'm excited for this expansion!
Someone know what Spy Gizmo does yet?
Check out this article.
So, not everyone get either a Mount card or Profession Weapon card. But some classes got both of them. I can only predict the rest got theirs on the miniset.
I doubt it. It's notable that the classes that didn't get a profession weapon are also ones that often rely on the ability to attack with their hero.
Similarly, the classes that didn't get mounts are generally the ones that don't tend to buff minions. Heck, I don't think mage has ever had a minion buff, and I'd be surprised if that changed just for the sake of a minor set mechanic.
Closest thing we've had yet is Polymorph: Boar
Got anymore of them Tavern Crawls ?

Do I have some news for you.
Now we do =)
I like the idea of questlines, the idea is similar to Gwent's scenarios.
P.S. Are we going to have a thematic shop and on-site quests connected to this update? )
The Fun at the crossroads event during the Forged in the Barrens reveal was only possible coz Blizzard gifted OoC with some giveaways. Let's hope it happens again
I have no idea but it'd be pretty cool if we do.