Whenever your opponent casts a spell, add a random spell with the same Cost to your hand.
Secretly, the Big Cheese of SI:7.
Play VO_SW_073_Male_Human_Play_01
Attack VO_SW_073_Male_Human_Attack_01
Death VO_SW_073_Male_Human_Death_01
very weak card
It has a really fat butt, and if you opponent doesn't have an answer to it, then you potentially could get a few spells in hand. That being said, I don't see this making the cut in competitive play
Meme deck. But ....sometimes you just feel like going FULL RNG!
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very weak card
It has a really fat butt, and if you opponent doesn't have an answer to it, then you potentially could get a few spells in hand. That being said, I don't see this making the cut in competitive play
Meme deck. But ....sometimes you just feel like going FULL RNG!