Quest: Rush to Reno While Taunting Garrosh's Beasts!

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Fun


      I'm Esparanta, and I'm here to show you an exotic Reno Warrior deck that utilizes three archetypes: Taunt/Beast/Rush. Three play-styles merged under Reno archetype is very amazing to play with, and I will gladly show you how, with new cards coming from Uldum in mind.




     Your game-plan consists of three big plans, let's have a look:


      1. Taunts: Also considered as Quest strategy, Taunt cards are listed below:

      So, you have 8 Taunt minions at start and three more coming from Direhorn Hatchling/Stonehill Defender/Frightened Flunky. Thus, you can finish the Quest without any problems. If needed, you can shuffle extra Taunt minions via Dead Man's Hand to finish Quest easily. Don't forget to boost your Taunt minions with Armagedillo.


      2. Beasts: Class Beasts made this archetype the center of the deck such as Akali, the Rhino/King Mosh/Direhorn Hatchling. So, let's jump right into Beast cards:

      You have 13 Beasts at start, six of which are Class Beasts. Considering the amount of Class Beasts Warrior has, you can find a Class Beast via Tomb Spider with ease. Better fetch Akali to boost Rush minions and draw them. Your Beasts will fall in love with Sweeping Strikes: Draw and boost up to three Rush minions at once with Akali or shake the board three times via Oondasta. Better discount the cards with Emperor Thaurissan to allow mentioned combos as early as possible. Don't forget Untamed Beastmaster to boost your Beasts for good.


      3. Rush: As one of the well-known archetype for Warrior, you will utilize its full potential. Before moving on, let's check all Rush cards:

      You have 8 Rush cards at start. Some Rush cards are Beast, so Beast and Rush strategies are interconnected. As example, play Untamed Beastmaster+Countess Ashmore to boost Rush Beasts.


     That's how you play with this deck. If you have any questions, ask me anytime. Have fun in Wild format!

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  • thepowrofcheese's Avatar
    210 108 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Why Revenge over Windfury? Do you often need that extra aoe damage

    • Esparanta's Avatar
      Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
      Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

      You mean Whirlwind? If so, extra AOE can be a game-changing. However, considering new Plague cards for new expansion, which are AOE cards given to EVIL classes, I might swap it with new AOE card if it turns out to be good.

      • MrTren's Avatar
        205 47 Posts Joined 06/29/2019
        Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

        You can combo Whirlwind with King Mosh though.

        • Esparanta's Avatar
          Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
          Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

          Even that's the case, it's not the combo I cared for. Don't focus solely on this combo, there are other strategies you need to consider. I look forward to something better than Whirlwind/Revenge.

  • Kapharna's Avatar
    30 1 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago


    So I took a good look at your deck and I am going to comment on some things. I have not played this deck as at this moment I'm unable to play Hearthstone at all.


    You are working with 3 different types of cards here; Taunt, Rush and Beasts. These are all put into a highlander deck using Reno Jackson

    The reason to play rush minions is because of three cards drawing your rush minions, thus providing your highlander deck with the desperately needed draw that it needs to survive. These three cards are Akali, the Rhino, Countess Ashmore and Town Crier. The first two cards are high cost cards that need to either be played by themselves or by utilizing the rush mechanic from Oondasta. I'd say that's too late in the game to even need the draw to survive against aggro. I will put up some questions for you:
    -Why are you not using Town Crier (one of the best card draws in the game)? This mechanic lets you draw specific cards you need to survive your opponent's aggresion. 
    -Untamed Beastmaster seems to only be worth the pick when played in combination with Countess Ashmore. Is that worth it? How many beast that profit from being buffed are still in your deck by turn 10 (using the combo)?
    -How quickly are you running out of steam? You seem to only be using card draw cards of 7 and 8 mana, with a maximum draw of 4 cards. 
    -You are running quite some deathrattle minions and you could use a good board swing as win condition. As you are playing WIld mode anyway, every considered running [Hearthstone Card (N'Zoth, The Corrupter) Not Found]?

    Lets tweak this, Ill play the deck to tune this deck more, seems fun. Ill be back later :)



    • Esparanta's Avatar
      Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
      Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

      Your thoughts are well written, I salute you. First of all, if you consider surviving against Aggro, your Rush cards will trade off as soon as you summon/play them. Your Taunts will block them. Armor cards (Plated Beetle/Weapons Project) and Heal cards (Zilliax/Vicious Scalehide/Reno Jackson) are here to make sure you will stay alive. AOE cards (Warpath/Revenge/Brawl) will keep Aggro players at bay. Thus, this deck can be considered as Anti-Aggro deck and you will survive against them. So, on to your questions...

      Quote From Kapharna

      -Why are you not using Town Crier (one of the best card draws in the game)? This mechanic lets you draw specific cards you need to survive your opponent's aggresion.

      Aside from his tutor ability, Town Crier isn't good because drawing one card isn't satisfactory. I would use Battle Rage or Harrison Jones to draw more than one card. Next...

      Quote From Kapharna
      -Untamed Beastmaster seems to only be worth the pick when played in combination with Countess Ashmore. Is that worth it? How many beast that profit from being buffed are still in your deck by turn 10 (using the combo)?

      First of all, you can play the combo as early as possible via Emperor Thaurissan. Secondly, this combo is worth executing, here's why: Countess Ashmore draws every keyword minion individually. If you didn't draw these minions or shuffled back via Dead Man's Hand, playing Countess Ashmore will buff these Beasts as example:

      Next question is...

      Quote From Kapharna
      -How quickly are you running out of steam? You seem to only be using card draw cards of 7 and 8 mana, with a maximum draw of 4 cards. 

      I might consider adding more card-draw options such as Battle Rage or Harrison Jones. Maybe I can pull out Weapons Project because it's here to destroy your opponent's weapon. As for your last question...

      Quote From Kapharna
      -You are running quite some deathrattle minions and you could use a good board swing as win condition. As you are playing WIld mode anyway, every considered running N'Zoth, The Corrupter?

      I'm running three Deathrattle minions and they aren't strong. So, N'Zoth isn't viable in this deck.

      Quote From Kapharna

      Lets tweak this, Ill play the deck to tune this deck more, seems fun. Ill be back later :)

      You are welcomed here anytime :D


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