Envoy of Lazul

Envoy of Lazul Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Battlecry: Look at 3 cards. Guess which one is in your opponent's hand to get a copy of it.

Flavor Text

"Note to self: possess someone who's local and knows directions next time."


Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.

Envoy of Lazul Sounds

Play VO_DRG_306_Female_Faceless_Play_03

Attack VO_DRG_306_Female_Faceless_Attack_01

Death VO_DRG_306_Female_Faceless_Death_01

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  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Worse Curious Glimmerroot. Some will play this, others will choose not to. 

  • hermano's Avatar
    125 53 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    if the meta is very flat and everybody plays the same decks u can guess right like 80% of the time. but is card from opponent deck help u in any way? i'm really starting to think about some aggressive priests deck, with addition tools of survival, u ran out of steam - lets see what other guy have in hand

  • LevityLovely's Avatar
    Explorer of Dragons 575 167 Posts Joined 06/15/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    if you have extraordinary intuition it can be useful for some fun deck but otherwise meh

  • YourWaifu's Avatar
    Divine Rager 305 275 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Worse curious glimmerroot

  • Torgal's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 1000 293 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Close relative to Curious Glimmerroot but I don't believe it will be played  (maybe in some highlander decks). Guessing card from hand is much harder than from deck (especially with this much of random card generation) and value is not good enough. Even correctly guessed card can be useless trash and very similar Madame Lazul is not played at all.

  • TwistedFate's Avatar
    140 60 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Really good value card. It´s strenght will depend on the meta

  • Subzero's Avatar
    180 147 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Do you really want to play this though? If I remember right Glimmeroot was played cause it added value to a decent 3/3 on curve at a time. This card’s ability is harder to pull off in some cases so it might end up being a 2/2 for 2 mana for nothing which is really bad. This card is not good apart from giving you information on what the opponent is holding and I’m not sure if you want to put this in your deck just for that.

  • IlBelTia's Avatar
    Wizard 440 333 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Very similar to Curious Glimmerroot, still harder to trigger since there are a lot of ways for your opponent to gain in his hands randomly generated cards.

  • Guenh's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 725 633 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    In competive play this is 2 mana 2/2 obtain a card and information. The only downside of this card are empty hands and the "random generate card" to guess

  • ChocolateChipCooke's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 1160 337 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    The flavor and art of this are awesome--especially as someone who made a Thief Priest flavor deck for fun alone!

    I love the Thief Priest archetype, but it's a tragedy that it's so bad. If Priest gets some thief cards like Rogue, we might finally get the Thief Priest archetype. Maybe this set and the upcoming rotation will bring in the much needed support Priest needs to make this archetype valid?

  • Arturvf89's Avatar
    175 94 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Glimeroot was much more consistent, since you could almost always know what cards are in your opponent´s deck. That said, this gives you more information, even when you miss it.

    I think it might see play in standard, since its a play on T2 for a control priest that doesnt give up card advantage.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2283 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    From the recent news post:

    "According to Stephen Chang, it doesn’t work the same as Glimmerroot does where it gives you a card that started in their deck, and two random cards that could applicably be put into their deck. Instead, it shows one card currently in their hand, and 2 cards that started in their deck but are not currently in their hand (and if their hand is empty, the Battlecry simply fizzles out)."

    This kind of sucks now. You have much less ability to "read" the hand and guess correctly. If you guess wrong, you still get to know one card they are NOT holding, and see 2 other cards they MIGHT have. Not actually getting the card significantly decreases the value.

  • kevin's Avatar
    160 155 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    i like this style of card, but the stats are not good if you guess wrong so... it's a good card to pick up randomly but it's not good to include on a deck... people gonna do that anyway soo 3 stars

  • Krycek's Avatar
    140 4 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I have a odd feeling that I've seen this one before...

  • infiniteclock's Avatar
    145 94 Posts Joined 04/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Worse version of Curious Glimmerroot but still decent in a control priest deck

  • Zeratia's Avatar
    Cottontail Teemo 475 105 Posts Joined 07/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Don't see it being viable without further Steal Priest support, but its basically a better Blink Fox so I guess its not terrible.


    (Edit: I hope the card pool is drawn from opponents deck, and not from random cards)

  • Trapzter's Avatar
    Dragon 235 155 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    depends on which cards the pool is chosen from. opponents deck? all cards? if you have to guess which card from your opponents deck is in his hand right now only skilled players with good hand reading capabilities might have an advantage from the battlecry. if the cards are random class or neutral cards it might be easier to guess for all players. highly depends on the pool of cards though so hard to vote reliably for me atm

  • SaltyMcNulty's Avatar
    Snow-Covered 320 59 Posts Joined 08/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I know this will not be be a popular opinion, but I think this would be a much more interesting card at 6 mana, but instead of copying the card, you steal it.

    It would be a high-risk combo destroyer, with a massive upside and downside.  I would also like some Zephrys style AI involved that would select 3 of the same type of card to make the choice harder.

  • DarkFrostX's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 830 1229 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    First of all, fun card, second, it'll get way more misses than Glimmerroot which makes it a worse card.

  • Skullsplita's Avatar
    Wonderform Operator 100 8 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I like these types of cards. A fortune telling deck would be cool. I crafted Madame and Chameleos for it already. The information is nice and playing your opponents cards against them is fun.

    Playing it after one of the other cards increases you chances of guessing correctly


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