Anti-Face Control Dragon Warrior

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
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Lotta Face Hunters & Pirate Warriors have taken over the ladder (at least from where I am) so I made this to counter them & haven't lost a single game (over 10 played) against Face Hunters.  It's really good, with plenty of armor gain, cycle, and value to beat out almost any other deck.  As long as the metagame continues to be fast, I'll probably be sticking with this.  HSReplay just put out their Post Shaman nerf Meta Report & this actually lines up incredibly well with all the mentioned decks, Galakron Warrior, Pirate Warrior, Highlander Rogue, Face Hunter, & Holy Wrath Paladins so I would highly recommend giving this a spin if that is indeed what you continue to find yourself fighting against.  I'm still working on piloting this correctly, so some changes may come in eventually, but I do plan on adding a proper write up if I continue to find sustained success with this.  Let me know how it works for you and what adjustments you'd make (missing warpath probably seems bad but so far I've been fine without it). 

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