[Wild] Odd Bomb Warrior

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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This deck has been moved over from HearthPwn. Check out that page for the full discussion / revision history of the deck.

Let's blow this place sky high! Let's blow this place sky high!

An Odd Control Warrior featuring a slimmed down Bomb Warrior package.

The Plan

  1. Augmented Elekk + Clockwork Goblin for 2 Bombs.
  2. Brann Bronzebeard + Clockwork Goblin + Zola the Gorgon (on the Clockwork Goblin) for 2 Bombs and 2 additional Golden Clockwork Goblins.
  3. Augmented ElekkGolden Clockwork GoblinGolden Clockwork Goblin for 4 Bombs.

That's at least 40 damage from just Bombs!

Omega Assembly and Dr. Boom, Mad Genius can also generate extra copies of Clockwork Goblin (or even Iron Juggernaut) which ends up happening fairly often.

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  • Petrallis's Avatar
    30 1 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Maybe add Seaforium Bomber as well? Great deck btw!!

    • KIPdeKIP's Avatar
      150 1 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
      Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

      The previous version of this deck did include one copy of Seaforium Bomber. I ended up taking it out for Nexus-Champion Saraad.

      The reason being that any additional bomb cards are only 5 damage each. You're out of doubling mechanics with just the two Clockwork Goblins. The Bombs are only here to be able to grind out wins against stuff like Mecha'thun and Jade Druid or anything else that either draws the entire deck or that does the complete opposite and doesn't fatigue (or at least fatigues way later). If 40 damage worth of Bombs isn't enough to outright win at some point you should be focusing on the board.

      See HearthPwn for the full discussion / revision history of the deck.


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