[Wild] Highlander Bomb Warrior

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Let's blow this place sky high! Let's blow this place sky high!

A Highlander Control Warrior featuring a tiny Bomb Warrior package.

With the release of Saviors of Uldum I'm releasing an update to my Odd Bomb Warrior, switching from an Odd Control strategy to a Highlander one.

Considered Cards

Warrior gained enough control tools in Uldum to make a Highlander deck possible. So much so that one of Warrior's best control tools, Sleep with the Fishes, is now outclassed by instead running Restless Mummy for the damage and Plague of Wrath for the board clear.

Another card that didn't make the cut was Justicar Trueheart. Reno Jackson replaces it by not needing your original Hero Power.

The Plan

  1. Brann Bronzebeard + Clockwork Goblin + Zola the Gorgon (on the Clockwork Goblin) for 2 Bombs and 2 additional Golden Clockwork Goblins.
  2. Augmented ElekkGolden Clockwork GoblinGolden Clockwork Goblin for 4 Bombs.

That's 30 damage worth of Bombs with just 4 cards dedicated towards that combo! (Two of which, Brann Bronzebeard & Zola the Gorgon, can be used in combination with your other cards instead if things don't work out.)

Zephrys the Great gives you access to board clears that are actually good, Reno Jackson makes up for your lack of early-game cards.

Tech Choices

Facing many combo decks and not many Big Priests? Swap out Cornered Sentry for Dirty Rat.

Facing lots of Jade Druid? Swap out Dr. Boom for Skulking Geist.

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