[DoD] Highlander dragon druid

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
  • Ranked

[DoD] Highlander dragon druid

I have decided to write my first guide for a deck because i had so much fun playing the deck and trying to optimize it.
I managed to climb from 20 to rank 5 by solely playing dragon highlander druid. It is not the best deck in the world but with some understanding of it you can win a lot.



In most matches the deck plays out as a mid range deck.
Your opponent tends to dictate your playstyle.
Elise the Enlightened is often used to copy a hand when you are at 5 to 8 mana.
Using elise to copy 1 or 2 matchup specific cards can win you the game.
Zephrys the Great is a great card and having two of it is awesome.
Down below are cards posted per type of deck that you want to consider copying.



Against aggro decks you want to maximize health gain and removal.
Crystal Power Ferocious Howl and Zilliax are cards that you consider duplicating.
In the current meta i dont feel that Swipe is as important as you expect it to be.
[Hearthstone Card (Cobalt spelkin) Not Found] can also land removal that will help against aggro.
Cards such as Crystal Power Claw and more claws from Secure the Deck are mana efficient removal/heal
In addition it can also land Floop's Glorious Gloop and Strength in Numbers that can net you a good tempo gain. Use Strength in Numbers with caution cause it can pull battlecrys. Against aggro tempo usually wins you the game therefore play it when required.



Against midrange the goal is to be ahead on board and win with a cheecky lethal.
Midrange games tend to be more value oriented so consider copying these cards:
Emerald Explorer most of the dragons discovered by this card have great value and it can find more Dragonqueen Alexstrasza 's
The queen herself is also a great target in addition to Evasive Wyrm and Siamat card that are used for tempo gain and board control.
Zephrys can be used with cards such as Savage Roar Bloodlust and Windfury that are obvious winconditions but also consider Doomhammer with claws generated for a surprise kill. Doomhammer is found when you uses 2 or 3 claws before zephrys and you are left at 5 or 6 mana after you played him.

If you are not able to get board control Tirion Fordring is a great pick.


Control matchup tend to work out similar to midrange deck but spacing out resources is more important. You only use elise when you have garantueed value with at least Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. Flobbidinous Floop and Siamat are also great value cards, consider playing siamat with windfury and divine shield. Playing siamat twice in a row drains resources and if they are not able to handle it you can easily win. If they do handle it Dragonqueen Alexstrasza will set you up for more boards that demand an anwer.


Ysera, Unleashed can be discoverd via Evasive Wyrm. Although the card is great and has an insane value it is allmost never a good option to pick it due to the portals it shuffles into your deck that prevent you from being a highlander deck. You can play it if you have used all the highlander cards from your deck. Often that means that you play it if you get it from Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.
Nightmare Amalgam is also a mech and has surprise synergy between itself and Zilliax or SN1P-SN4P.
There spell discovery in this deck via Vulpera Scoundrel Firetree Witchdoctor and [Hearthstone Card (Cobalt spelkin) Not Found] can have a huge impact on the game. These cards are usally played in the early game and therefore being aware of what opponent you are facing can win you the game if you choose right.


Most of the time you mulligan for Breath of Dreams Embiggen Frizz Kindleroost and Firetree Witchdoctor. If you know what matchup you are facing consider keeping one of the cards mentioned in the section above. I usually dont keep dragons in my openinghand unless i already have a Breath of Dreams in my hand.

Cards i have tested/considered

Nourish is the card that most people will find missing in this deck. I have ran it for most of my games and i never found great use for this card. Against aggro there is no time to play it. In midrange and control matches it clutters your hand with elise because i never find a good time to play it.
Baleful Banker Great card if you go to fatigue. Currently no decks go the distance. In addition you often win because there is too much value.
Acidic Swamp Ooze Great tech card. I have not found a lot of matchups where this card feels good. Pirate warrior has too many weapons and can re equip it and against galakrond shaman the weapon is the least of your worries. I have replaced this card with Secure the Deck since i found that getting this card from [Hearthstone Card (Cobalt spelkin) Not Found] alwaus have a great impact on the game in contrary to Acidic swamp ooze.
Khartut Defender The heal is great but i never found the card to work out. Part of the problem is the 6 mana cost where you can never combine it with elise in one turn. In addition the low attack means that it never really swings a board in your favor.
Dragon Breeder If i had more room in my deck this card might actually make it in. However value is usually not the issue.
Barista Lynchen Great card, but very difficult to get value from. The more imporant battlecry minions are between 4-6 mana, usually there is not enough time to play these and barista at the same turn. Not playing it in the same turn means that battlecry minions need to survive which is difficult. Also really clutters up the hand for elise. Difficult synergy with zephrys because you usually play the card discovered with zephrys in the same turn and therefore not having the time to copy it.

This is my first and probably only guide.
I hope you have fun and succes with the deck.
Any replacement suggestions are welcome.
If you have any questions i am happy to anwer them











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