OTK beast hunter

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual

Really cool OTK beast hunter deck which i had a blast playig with.
After 40 games i have a 50% winrate between diamond 10 and diamond 1.

The OTK consists of a combination of Trampling Rhino and King Krush summoned by Beastmaster Leoroxx. You can get multiple copies of the beasts via Warsong Wrangler and Selective Breeder. Since there are only 3 beasts in the deck you always manage to discover one of them. I did not come up with this OTK myself. But i did adjust the whole shell around the combo.

The rest of the shell is centered around putting up early presure to give a bit more time to execute the OTK. Card draw is based around Barak Kodobane Where you get to draw a 1/2/3 spell. In addition Lorekeeper Polkelt is able to set up the OTK within 2 turns by aranging your deck in a way that you draw King Krush and Beastmaster Leoroxx in the next two turns. Taelan Fordring will also get you one of the combo pieces.

The aggro shell is what makes the deck interesting to play. Because Trampling Rhino discorved via Warsong Wrangler is already able to close out games withouth needing the full combo. 

Both Tracking and Warsong Wrangler do not generate a copy of the card and therefore can hit King Krush only once.

Currently Cult Neophyte is in the deck to delay both secret paladin and no minion mage and gives you more time and pressure to setup your gameplan later in the game. I am not totally conviced by Wriggling Horror since it usually bufs one minion. It is great to powerup both Sunscale Raptor, Crabrider and Intrepid Initiate in the early game, but usally it only hits one minion. Mankrik is in the deck as a solid 3 drop, in addition Olgra, Mankrik's Wife can be pulled from Barak Kodobane as a 3 drop spell although this interaction does not work at the time of writing.

In general i try to mulligan for the early 1/2 mana drops to start chipping away at the health total and demanding an answer from my opponent instead of being reactive. Both Selective Breeder and Warsong Wrangler can be used for the lowcost beasts if you need the pressure. Keep in mind that the buff provided Warsong Wrangler also hits a minion if its in play. A more detailed gameplan is difficult to provide since there are a lot of decision points in the game on what to discover and when to play Lorekeeper Polkelt

Any suggestions/upgrades are welcome

p.s. some cards in the guide do not provide a link to the picture at the time of writing



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