Control Shadowform Priest Theorycraft v1.1

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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Hello guys, I'm in love with Shadowform Priest since I saw Kibler playing against one. With Shadowreaper Anduin rotating into the wild, Shadowform can be a thing again. I was never a competitive player, just playing the decks I found fun and enjoyable I dont want to play a deck which is unfun to play against but I also want my decks to be at least playable in ranked for at least few ranks. So.. I build this deck even though I suck at deckbuilding but, the real reason why I build this deck is, maybe some people can give me some ideas about which cards to put or which cards to remove/replace. In case you have any question about why added which specific card feel free to ask.

Thanks in advance for anyone who is willing to help me to make this deck better. So.. here's Shadowform Control Priest;



-1 Mossy Horror +1 Madame Lazul

I guess we have enough board clears, I tested Mossy Horror and it end up a dead draw on most match-ups, I am currently 4W 0L against Zoolocks at Rank 15 if you want you can put Mossy Horror for extra board clear. I think Madame Lazul can help us in control match-ups, will test it and then I will tell you my opinion about this replacement. 

-1 Felsoul Inquisitor +1 Mind Blast

I put Felsoul because I though we need extra life gain when we are in Shadowform but I also realized that, we dont have much synergy with Archmage Vargoth. So I ended up adding 1 copy of Mind Blast for 10 damage plays.(maybe 12 or 13 with shadowform hero power)


-1 Thoughtsteal +1  Acolyte of Pain

Deck requires draw so, I removed 1 Thoughtsteal because I was never lucky with it and replaced it with Acolyte of Pain.

-2 Grave Horror +2 Earthen Ring Farseer

Grave Horror was a good but dead card early in the game, because I face lots of aggro decks I ended up putting 2 Earthen Ring Farseer because the lack of heal after using Shadowform.

-1 Madame Lazul  +1 Alexstrasza

Madame Lazul was not good as I thought she would be. She may be good in control matchups but I dont play against  control that much. With the removal of 2 Grave Horrors I decided to go big and give Alexstrasza a chance again. After putting some early game minions into the deck, I hope that those minions will hold this deck a bit against aggro until the late game.


-1 Earthen Ring Farseer +1 Shadow Madness

Shadow Madness is pretty good against deathrattle hunter for example Mechanical Whelp



-1 The Black Knight +1 Shadow Madness

For last 2 days I cant seem to use The Black Knight and he end up dead draw for me, so I replaced him with another copy ofShadow Madness



-1 Holy Nova  -1 Shadow Madness +1 Seance  Grave Horror 

To add more late game options, 2 Mass Hysteria and 2 Holy Nova was a bit overkill and for Shadow Madness, I started facing less deathrattle hunters so I decided to gave Seance and Grave Horror a chance.

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