Astral Slot Machine oRastakhan (prototype)

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
  • Fun

Come one, come all and try your luck on the magical Astral Slot Machine of Rastakhan!

A challenging endeavour ending in an endless roll for that extra lucky tripple 7!!**

You will have to survive with limited amount of heals while playing cards that do virtually nothing until your shudderwock loop is guaranteed. 

At this point try to get rid of all but 1 spell in your hand and start rolling for these sweet triple 7s! If three shudders with 7 health is up when the Star aligner battlecry shows up, then this happens:

Yes your eyes do not deceive you! It is  7 damage worth of shinies raining upon all ennemies! And if it doesn't happen the first time, no worries; you have multiple tries per turn and should get healed to full every roll with the occasional ice cream toss as a bonus!

{ Some specific cards should be played only and exactly once! These are: the Brainstormer and the Defender of Argus }

The A.S.M.R is sure to bring lots of fun to any shaman brave enough to try it and only costs a meagre 10860 dust! 

What are you waiting for? Go and craft your very own A.S.M.R for a mere 10860 dust!!*

* (Prices may vary based on custom techs added)

** (The Astounding Rastakhan Entertainment Service would like to point out that the A.S.M.R requires only the crafting cost and is as such not a form of gambling. We do not encourage gambling in any shape and any life point taken by the machine is generously returned to the opponent in the form of NaCl chips)

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  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I tried making a deck like this once, I used Boisterous Bard instead of Brainstormer.

    The deck was awful because the battlecries would have to trigger in the exact right order. Doppelgangster X2, and then Boisterous Bard, and then Star Aligner X2. And even then they would only take 14 damage. 

    I guess I am not enough of a johnny player to appreciate the deck.

    • ARES's Avatar
      Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
      Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
      Quote From KANSAS

      I tried making a deck like this once, I used Boisterous Bard instead of Brainstormer.

      The deck was awful because the battlecries would have to trigger in the exact right order. Doppelgangster X2, and then Boisterous Bard, and then Star Aligner X2. And even then they would only take 14 damage. 

      I guess I am not enough of a johnny player to appreciate the deck.

      Boisterous bard is cheaper than the Defender of argus.. It adds more consistancy as it hits all minions but doesn't give taunt..  Arguable I guess


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