Even Oil Pirate Rogue

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hello everyone! I've made a post about this deck, but I didn't see any decks already constructed on this site that had this list. (WARNING/ACCREDITATION: I don't remember the individual that showed this skeleton of the deck type on a wild post, but this one goes out to you guy or gal that posted a type of Even Oil Rogue that I then changed.) It is relatively close to other decks of a similar kind, but I figure at least 4-6 cards different than others.


The core of the deck is in just three cards: Genn Greymane and Tinker's Sharpsword Oil and Ship's Cannon.

Oil is backed primarily by Backstab and Preparation. These are the only cards in the deck that discount/activate your best card essentially for "free". Getting 6 additional attack in for 4 mana is not only great as an immediate burst, but think of it more than just a Fireball as there is a good chance the minion that gets buffed survives the next turn. As well as you should only be placing the Oil down when your weapon has 2 charges unless presented with lethal.

The cannon has huge synergy early in the game with Sharkfin Fan and Hench-Clan Hag. If you happen to perfectly curve into these cards (will explain later) you likely win from heavy burst against control, or you clear your opponents aggro minions while establishing your own for "free".

I'm sure a similar, non-even, deck could be constructed to make use of cards like Captain Greenskin or other tempo oriented plays. However, Genn's strength for Rogue with a quick and resourceful 1 mana 1/2 weapon sets up immediate utility with weapon buffs like Goblin Auto-Barber or weapon interactions like Bloodsail Raider or Southsea Squidface.


You want Ship's Cannon and Sharkfin Fan or Bloodsail Raider in your starting hand every game possible. This covers your back against other Rogues, Hunters, Shamans, or any other aggressive playstyle. Slamming a weapon on 1 or coining Cannon for a turn 1 2/3 is strong enough for it to normally stick or for your opponent to over-commit to its death. From here tempo usually carries the game, but watch out against Priests as they will usually keep Spirit Lash and Shadow Word: Pain against you if they have the slightest idea you are pirate based.

Additionally if you achieved any combination of the above mulligan in the opening hand, you want to search for cards like Backstab Goblin Auto-Barber or Sap to outplay control that may blast an early defensive minion. Sap and Walk the Plank auto-win the game against Big Priest. You should actively seek a Sap in your opening hand when you queue into Priest- in addition to hopefully some of the previously mentioned early game.

If you successfully mulligan'd into your early game. Dropping an additional small minion in search of a Hench-Clan Hag (If you have Cannon) or Naga Corsair is also good for your curve. 

Play Style

While Ahead:

Let's face it. You are a degenerate face deck with this list 7/10 times. The only situations you control the board early is against the Pirate mirror (Kingsbane or Tempo), Mech Hunter, Odd Paladin, or Murloc Shaman. Otherwise face is the place. 

You are almost always coining Cannon or tapping on turn 1. Do not swing with the weapon on turn 1 unless you opted to keep coin and your opponent dropped a small minion. From there, play Cannon, Goblin, or Bloodsail and start getting your curve on. You want to develop minions and go face as often as possible, and wait for that sweet sweet Prep-Oil play that deals 10+ face damage out of nowhere. 

From Behind:

Here is where piloting the deck is difficult. In two cases there are things to review:

A) Your opponent got on the board hella quick and you couldn't stop it. This happens sometimes when Hunter is going second as Mech. It is one reason why it is nice to keep backstab against Hunter. Your game-plan here is to drop Bloodsail Raider on turn 2 after the turn 1 tap. A 3/3 generally mitigates a bit of the tempo. DO NOT PLAY CANNON. The last thing you want to do when behind is dump off the cannon because you are missing curve and the 2/3 body provides at least something. This will quickly turn on you. Turn 4 cannon and sharkfin fan is a quick way to potentially deal 4 (in 2 shots) to the board take back the tempo. Focus on cards like Bloodsail or Goblin and if desperate Southsea Squidface for the "play something" strategy against aggro that out aggro'd you.

B) Your opponent is playing Big Priest or Control of some type and keeps healing/AOE on lock. This happens versus Priest, Warrior, and Druid mainly. If you can identify what your opponent is playing, sometimes ditching the Sharkfin and Hench-Clan is for the better. Cards like Naga Corsair or Southsea Squidface come in handy around turn 4-5. You can tap and buff/prepare a buff on your weapon. As well as a 4 health minion usually sticks on curve even without the upside both of these cards provide. Watch out for board interacting AOE in these situations, and play smaller minions in turns that follow so that cards like Mass Hysteria or Supercollider don't wreck you. With Prep and Oil you only have to stick 1-2 minions in the mid-game to swiftly end it.


This deck went (in the last meta with 2 different cards) from rank 25-5 in 80 games. It was boasting an extremely impressive 80% (78 but you gotta go for the upsell) win-rate and just absolutely crushed it. Most of my losses were the Warrior Control match-up, and the rest were the few times I saw Druid, the rare Big Priest loss, and Odd Paladins I couldn't out tempo. Data below (sorry for potato):


In the current meta I have been mainly focusing on standard again. For now I am 7-6 in Wild with the deck and the Hench-Clan Hag copies replaced the Dread Corsair copies as I wanted to include Rise of Shadows presence. The main reason for the losses is Druid. Jade Druid is back and is a huge problem for this deck. I'm not entirely sure it will boast the same results for you, or if I happened to run into every Jade Druid player yesterday. Be warned that they build too much defense and armor for you to handle. I'm going to potentially start auto-conceding to them as yesterday I went 0-4 against them.


Regardless of attention. I am going to update and utilize this deck for the foreseeable future. I love the combo aspect and the fact that Rogue was and still probably is one of my least played classes. It has been a great experience climbing in Wild while the Rastakhan meta got boring, and I hope it will provide similar fun to myself in this next meta and you if you care to use it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you find someone that built something very similar to this deck (5 or less different cards) link theirs in your comment. I will edit and give them credit because original deck-building is extremely rewarding and should be acknowledged. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or advice for changing the deck. Even if I disagree with your opinions, know they are still valid, accepted, and appreciated. 

Have a great time in the Tavern friends!!!

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