Leeroy OTK Deathrattle Spell Priest [6-0 run from Rank 5 to 4]

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
  • Ranked

A Full Guide will be written soon.

Few comments in the meantime:

  1.  The full 30 DMG Combo is:
    - discount your hand with Emperor Thaurissan a turn before the combo.
    - Next turn, Leeroy Jenkins to Face.
    - Than, cast on your Leeroy Embalming Ritual + Grave Rune
    - For the final step, summon Wretched Reclaimer on your Leeroy to summon 4 more Leeroys to face. 
  2. Grave Horror used to be in the deck to push some extra damage and put some pressure on board. It utilized the high number of spells in this deck perfectly and will win you some games. 
  3. Grave Horror + Grave Rune + Wretched Reclaimer was a strong combo by itself. 
  4. You don't have to discount all of the OTK combo pieces in order to pull-out the full combo. 
  5. Mulligan tips:
    - Keep the quest.
    - Search for deathrattles.
    - Dead Ringer is best.
    - Explosive Sheep is best in your opening hand against aggro. 
  6. This combo is better than Prophet Velen Combo, since Wretched Reclaimer is more flexible than Mirage Caller
  7. Best tip: Have Fun!

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  • nod's Avatar
    Heartbreaker 225 49 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    First game, lost to pirate warrior. Second game, milled Leeroy vs a mecha'thun lock. Rough start.

    • Zebulun's Avatar
      255 85 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

      I am sorry to hear that. that is really unlucky. I hope you are not giving up on the deck. Give it another try, don't be so tight on the combo pieces (meaning, use them when you can), finish the quest as soon as possible and seek victory not with the Leeroy combo, but with the Grave Horror one. Hope this helps.


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