Darkness Shuffle
- Cubelock
- Wild
- Theorycraft
This deck uses The Darkness and Augmented Elekk in order to fill your opponents deck with candles to awaken Darkness. Along with Carnivorous Cube to duplicate The Darkness or Void Lord and Bloodreaver Gul’dan in order to regain those demons. The ideal hand is one containing a summoning portal and draw card battlecries.
The ideal strategy is to place down summoning portals to reduce minion cost, then carnivorous cube the portals or Elekks, and finally placing down The Darkness for max candles in your opponents deck. Baleful banker could be used to copy your Cubes or Elekks and keep a long chain of them going.
A discovery I have made with this deck is that if you use Plot Twist while one is in your hand and a Elekk on the board, you basically have a infinite deck, if you are able to have The Darkness in your hand as you do this, you can duplicate it indefinitely and place an increasing amount of candles into your opponents deck.
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0- 00
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- 07+
- 1 Grim Rally x 2
- 1 Kobold Librarian x 2
- 1 Voidwalker x 2
- 2 Plot Twist x 2
- 2 Twisted Knowledge x 2
- 2 Void Analyst x 1
- 4 Summoning Portal x 2
- 6 Aranasi Broodmother x 2
- 7 Valdris Felgorge x 1
- 9 Voidlord x 2
- 10 Bloodreaver Gul'dan x 1
- 2 Loot Hoarder x 2
- 2 Novice Engineer x 2
- 3 Augmented Elekk x 2
- 4 Conjured Mirage x 1
- 4 The Darkness x 1
- 5 Carnivorous Cube x 2
- 5 Emperor Thaurissan x 1
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