dead mans combo

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
  • Fun


Dead Man's Hand Card Image Emperor Thaurissan Card Image Iron Juggernaut Card Image



This is simply a Dead Man's Hand warrior with a twist, it has a combo and along with cards like The Darkness. like all Dead Man's Hand deck the point is to draw cards and once and only once you have Brann Bronzebeard, Iron Juggernaut, Augmented Elekkand Emperor Thaurissan and both dead man hands you do the following combo.

step one: play Emperor Thaurissan and Dead Man's Hand (make sure to have another copy for infinite Dead Man's Hand).

step two: then play Brann Bronzebeard then Augmented Elekk then Iron Juggernautthat shuffles four mines going 10 damage each meaning 40 damage total all for the low low price of 9 mana. and because you shuffled the combo into your deck along with other cards you have technically infinite damage if some how 40 damage isn't enough.  

NOTE: when you play Dead Man's Hand try to if possible shuffle cards that will help you survive or even better cards like Warpath that now cost one mana thanks to Emperor Thaurissan.

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