Praise Yogg (Even)

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
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Hey guys and girls!


I've come up with this fun variation of Yogg-Hunter, with an Even twist, given that powerhouse cards such as Call of the Wild, Unleash the Beast and the sparklin' new Nagrand Slam are all even. The ablity to follow up Call of the Wild and Nagrand Slam with Zul'jin on an empty board its pretty bonkes, when you are able to weave in the Hero Power much more easily at 1 mana.

The deck is pretty competitive (at Platinum and below at least), when you get to combo-draw Scavenger's Ingenuity into King's Elekk into Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. But of course, the 50-50 chance to draw Genn Greymane draws the win-rate down abit.


So for Mulligan, I try to aim for Scavenger's Ingenuity and relevant secrets, based on the opponent. E.g keep  Headhunter's Hatchet and Bear Trap agaist aggro decks or Flare and Cat Trick against Secret Mage. I would even go as far as to put in two copies of Flare if you run into alot of Secret Mage.


Against slower decks, you can be greedy and keep Genn Greymane to ensure that you draw Yogg from the Elekk.


Hope you'll enjoy the deck, and if you do, please remember to give it a like! ; )



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