[Wild] Legend Odd Paladin

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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Continuously fill the board with Silver Hand Recruit, buff them up when we can, and then use them to nuke opponents face. There isn't really any need for us to trade against most decks, because of the sheer amount of minions this deck is able to throw on the board. Most of the time the opponent will try to trade, but they usually can't clear everything, so we can just fill the board again on the next turn and go face with our survivors.

If you do feel the need to kill an opponent minion, try to use shielded minions/weapons and avoid using Silver Hand Recruit if possible, so you can buff them and use them for face instead.

Trading is definitely beneficial against certain decks though (mostly against high tempo decks like other aggro decks), but it depends on the card draws and opponent, so I won't go into details about it unless people ask for it.


Cards to keep: Lost in the Jungle > Muster for Battle > Righteous Protector > Southsea Deckhand > Fire Fly > Corridor Creeper.

For some matchups, like Kingsbane Rogue and Clone Priest, you might want to keep Ironbeak Owl to negate some of their synergies, but that's a judgment call.

Always throw Patches the Pirate back in the deck, in order to summon him for free with the Southsea Deckhand instead.


(Just a quick video I made on my phone, to give a rough idea of how the deck works, and to show how the opponents usually react to it)

Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions, or leave a comment if you think something is missing/wrong.

I hope you give this deck a try and may the RNG be in your favor!

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