Dragon Control Warmage

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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Hello Everyone!

Here comes the mage deck that I played for last 2 seasons to counter token druids and beat through tons of warriors. After nerfs it works pretty well against rogues. Still, it's Hearthstone, so sometimes you just need a good coinflip.

The goal of the deck is to win the board to keep your face relatively safe and trade your way to the win or big swing with Alex + Pyro when traditional way won't work.

Acidic Swamp Ooze - I believe the only 1 that needs no explanations

Bloodmage Thalnos - to be honest, I can't imagine the meta where Thalnos won't be at least playable, helps with board clears or just cycles

Firetree Witchdoctor - early board presence + value

Arcane Intellect - pretty standard draw purposes

Nightmare Amalgam - early board presence, dragon tribe synergy for other cards in late game, mech synergy for healing

Polymorph - mech hunters and paladins became the thing so it's nice to remove some deathrattles, 

Scaleworm - dragon tribe synergy, trades 1 for at least 2 vs tokens

[Hearthstone Card (Twillight Drake) Not Found] - as control deck we hold cards, why not use it? replacable if found too slow

Dragonmaw Scorcher - clears little tokens, gets rid of divine shields when you can't afford a ping

Sunreaver Warmage - helps get the board, can remove EVIL Miscreant or Dyn-o-matic

Zilliax - best card in the game, attach to Nightmare Amalgam or Safeguard or its token

Blizzard - clear and "I think I will live to see next turn"

Safeguard - mech synergy for healing, pretty good stats for a taunt

Crowd Roaster - giantkiller

Flamestrike - burn tokens, burn

Alexstrasza - dragon tribe synergy if gets stucked in your hand in early turns, used both for offense as for defense, replacable if the meta will speed up even more

Kalecgos - good on itself, can generate lethal or clear, dragon tribe synergy and pure value if 2 drops generated expensive spells

Pyroblast - finisher for standard decks (can be tough against warrior if curve was good for war), can be used as giantkiller

Mountain Giant - we hold a lot of cards, why not use it? also, wastes warrior removals for dragons to stick, if the draw is fine, can stick because removals were used on dragons



Conjurer's Calling - rarely worked well with dragons although could be added instead of Pyro/Alex or Scorcher/Twillight

Book of Specters - too many other spells could be discarded



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