Handbuff Camel Hunter

Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
  • Fun

After seeing Wild Hearthstone Streamer Roffle's "Haha Porcupine go BRRR" Hunter, I wanted to try out Augmented Porcupine for myself. However, rather than building the whole deck around the porcupine, I decided to fit it and some of the new handbuff cards into one of my favorite off-meta Hunter archetypes; Camel Hunter.

Scavenger's Ingenuity pairs nicely with the Camel Hunter gameplan of shuffling overstatted 1-drops into the deck from Raptor Hatchling or Dire Frenzy. If you play a Raptor Hatchling on turn 1 and trade it into something you could even highroll drawing the Raptor Patriarch from a turn 2 Scavenger's Ingenuity and coin out a 1 mana 7/6!. Helboar is also pretty solid 1-drop to run naturally in the deck.

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