Galakrond Cheaty Face Wins

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

I threw this little ditty together on a whim thinking that it wouldn't perform... shocker... it did.  Quite well actually.  Every Demon Hunter I faced I slaughtered.

Anyway, HARD mulligan to get the Wyrmrest Purifier.  All the neutral cards in the deck can and are playable, but if you can get cards that do not exist in your deck or even able to be put into this Tavern Brawl in the first place, DO IT.  I played the purifier on turn 2 and I ended up getting tons of solid removal and dragon synergies.  I was even able to play a number of the Veiled Worshipper to continue to fill my hand.  Needless to say, it is hilarious and fun to play.  Enjoy

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