Off-Meta Questing

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
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After a failed run for Wild Legend, I decided to switch back over to Standard to try something fun and new. I wanted to make some use of little-seen or has-been cards like Archspore Msshi'fn, Imprisoned Satyr, and of course, Untapped Potential. I always found this particular quest to be a lot of fun to play, even if it's never been a top-tier card. And as for the Archspore, I just loved the concept. And before anyone asks, yes, I actually crafted this guy. So help me get value from my dust investment, will you?


The deck brought me from Platinum 10 to Platinum 5 already, and I'm having fun! I'm not trying to get Legend or anything, but would love to have steady success with this homebrew.


Well, obviously, complete the quest as quick as you can, then control the mid-game with Starfall, Hidden Oasis, Oasis Surger, etc. A turn 6 Nourish can make for a big swing, especially if you can combo with Anubisath Defender. Then we try to build and maintain a board and set up a Zephrys lethal.


Probably the first card I'd cut. There are only a couple weak hits for him, and quite a few good ones, but he's really inconsistent. I did win one game where he zeroed out my Zephrys, then I copied with Elise. Two free Zephrys' enabled me to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. But that's a rarity.


Yes, he's bad. But on the front end, a 3/4 taunt for 3 mana is okay. And when you drop a pair of 9/9 taunts, one of which has rush, your opponent HAS to deal with that. I probably won't cut this card simply because it's fun.


Druids have some of the best draw of any class. With Nourish, Rising Winds, and Wrath, you can activate Zephrys, Elise and the Dragonqueen pretty consistently.


Just want to give a quick shout-out to these 2 guys, which I'm running simply because they don't see much play. They're both performing admirably. Beetle works great to stave off early aggression, and Hydra generates solid late-game value, even when he only gets one attack.

5/29 Update: Frosty just posted this excellent article about having fun with underused legendaries (Right here in case you missed it) which reminded me that I was running Keeper Stalladris here when I first set out. Also a card I love, but I cut him because of hand size issues. Maybe he deserves another go?


I'd love to hear what people think might improve the deck, or how it works for you if you give it a try.

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  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Maiev is just a unique resource that can perform a few different functions, but she's hardly a key card. Same with Vulpera Scoundrel, but it's worth noting how many other decks use her; a very versatile card. As for Crystal Merchant, I think it's worth the dust if you think you'll be playing the deck a fair bit, it's a solid support card.

    As expected, I've had a lot of fun playing this deck, but limited success. Good luck!

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Little late to comment, but I did recently open the Quest. After a single game in wild, where I dropped Jade after Jade I had enough of that, so came here to look for something less repetitive and more playful, and a quest highlander seems to be that. Any suggestions what to replace Maiev,Vulpera Scoundrel and Cristal Merchant with? Is it worth crafting the epics?


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