Midrange Highlander Paladin

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
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Hello friends, 

Highlander Paladin is often an overlooked deck. Paladin isn't in that best of a spot, and versions like Pure, Murlocs or Librams are all more common, but the Highlander variant has some perks. Obviously Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza are the high-end value cards. But there is also the versatility of Sir Finley of the Sands. For only 2 mana you can greatly favor your match-up by picking the best Hero Power for that game. Against Aggro pick Heal or Armor, looking for specific cards pick the Warlock one, or in need for that late game burst pick Hunter or Mage.

Highlander Hunter fulfills somewhat of the same rol as a Midrange deck, but Paladin has some perks. It exchanges raw damage output for a more board control based style of play, with buffs and heals to carry the deck to victory. For this variant I went with the menagerie playstyle of combo'ing Murlocs and Dragons (which is actually very underrated imo). The deck has various value-generators which can turn the tide of battle. As a Midrange deck you aim to get the board early and snowball to victory.

Hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions if you have any.

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