Bomb Attrition Gameplay

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
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Okay, this is basically a merge between Fibonacci's control warrior and Odemian's bomb warrior. I found Fibonacci's list very interesting but limited to extremely favorable plays against dhunters, druids and other warriors. It tends to gets bulldozed by mages and priests, which I was seeing lots of. I'm been climbing up to diamond 5 with this, and its been lots of fun for me, so try it out.

Short Guide

- Your game plan is primarily control, while you wait for the bombs to screw your opponent. In the meantime, get them to range of death with weapon swings. Emphasis on face with weapons, let your spells do the clearing. You're not the one on borrowed time, so tanking some hits from small minions is not really a big deal.

- I particularly liked Fibonacci's idea of including Galakrond, but with no invoke cards. 2 mana 3 damage, sign me up for the late game. Why not Archivist Elysiana? Just ask yourself, how many games your opponent actually ever reach fatigue, and here's something else, 3 damage per turn + weapon swing is nothing to be snuffed at, especially with a few bombs down the line.

- Against priest, you never ever hit anything else but face and time your Blastmaster Boom so all the bombs hit face and nothing else. Its not really that hard to guarantee. If they somehow manage to steal your Kargath Prime, play around it as much as possible. There's only so much damage you can hit face with, so any healing is not welcome.

- Bombs deactivate highlander, pure pally, and make druids, dhunters, and rogue's days very miserable.

- Risky Skipper combo with Armorsmith and Battle Rage. Whenever possible, save it for the combo.


Mulligan guide

- Always mulligan for corsair cache or weapon. Risky skipper only mandatory vs druids and dhunters. If you can get weapon out by turn 4, you're on a cruise line to victory...most of the time

- Versus aggro like dhunters, murloc pally, but NOT dragon hunters, mulligan for Shield Slam and Sword and Board is fine, but weapon is still a priority.

- Versus control; weapons, weapons, and more weapons. Your primary concern is whether to play Ancharrr or not. Getting Wrenchcalibur from Hoard Pillager is a major win.



- Cards that cannot be replaced under any circumstances: Wrenchcalibur, Blastmaster Boom, Deathwing, Mad Aspect, Brawl, at least 1 Bladestorm (2 preferable), Galakrond, at least 1 Corsair Cache and Risky Skipper

- Kargath Bladefist is good, but far from perfect. Any rush minion or healing will do here.

- Ancharrr is not really as core as you think it is. Its very good versus aggro, but in most other times its main use is just to smorc face. If you have it, then play it, its still very good. But if you don't, well, then your only other option is to plan your battle rage a little better. The reason why I don't think ancharrr is core, is simply because if I draw skipper naturally then the reason to play ancharrr is already half-moot and ancharrr just makes my hoard pillager worse.

- You can remove one Corsair Cache, but from my experience, if you don't get weapon up on 4, you're in deep trouble.


Give it a shot. Any comments, critiques are welcomed.

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