Quest Shaman

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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Always keep your quest Unite the Murlocs and try to mulligan for Murloc Tidecaller, Underbelly Angler and Coldlight Seer to keep the steamroll going. Use Gentle Megasaur to stabilize board or go face and when you have a board use one or both of your copies of Bloodlust and SMOrc opponent's face for your star. Quest is for hand refill after you have run out of steam, which you will if the opponent manages to remove your bois.

Sir Finley Mrrgglton is used to change your Hero Power into something useful as the shaman hero power doesn't support aggro decks. You are almost guaranteed to get either Rogue, Hunter, Mage or Druid Hero Powers, but if you happen to be unlucky enough to not see them, Paladin and Warlock are also great to keep the pressure going. Never play Sir Finley Mrrgglton if you have previously played a Vilefin Inquisitor from Underbelly Angler, as this hero power is the best you can dream of in a murloc deck

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