Tess, Queen of Thieves

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
  • Fun

If you are here it's because you love Tess Greymane too.

I'm a huge lover of Thief Rogue's deck with Tess, I have many different types of them, but with this I'm having a great time lately. Basically I wanted to combine Tess' power with the treasures of Heistbaron Togwaggle, but I had a lot of problems because inserting Togwaggle and the lackeys in a normal Tesspionage Rogue made the deck inconsistent. This is the most performing form that I managed to do, starting from rank 20 and reaching rank 11 in the last season, but I accept suggestions to improving the deck.



This deck can handle any archetype, except for aggro decks like Even Shaman and Odd Pala. Always look for Cavern Shinyfinder, Underbelly Fence, Blink Fox, Hench-Clan Burglar. If you start with the coin keep the Minstrel, it's always a great turn 3. If you're facing Priest or Warlock keep the Sap, in case they're Big Priest for their Barnes and their Voidlord or Mal'Ganis after the Voidcaller. If you're against Hunter, Druid, Shaman or Pala keep the Backstab and the Vendetta in case they are aggro. 



- Togwaggle scheme; just 1× because two of it it's too much. It's too great against control deck. You'll use it just for Tess, for nobody else. 

- Spectral Cutlass; your best friend. He will always be with you, he will always keep you alive and at the same time he will trade your treats. It can be HUGE if you buff it with the Valeera's Shadow Reflection, so you can easily trade big minions like those of Big Priest, for example. Be carefull on not use every single weapon's buff like the Oli and the Poison for a single Cutlass because if the opponent has a weapon removal you'll be in trouble!

- Academic Espionage; just 1× because in this deck it's not essential, it will just keep you away from the fatigue. Play it only when you're finishing the deck and you already draw the usefull cards, better if you play it two with the Shadow Reflection if you are against a control deck.

- Pick Pocket; you'll always have a lot of cards in your hand, that's why you play just one of it. It keeps your Cutlass alive.

- Spirit of the Shark; just one, you don't really need it. It's perfect with Togwaggle, but even with the Blink Fox or the Burglar it's great. Be careful to not overdraw! 



- Heistbaron Togwaggle; the main reason of this deck. You can play it with the Spirit of the Shark and Shadowstep for a better value, ande you can play two times a single treasure with Valeera DK. The only good treasures are the Wondrous Wand and the Zarog's Crown, so choose carefully how many of them to take.

- Tess Greymane; My Love. My dear Tess. It's the best and, at the same time, the funniest card of all time. If you're not in danger/low health, play her into a huge Togwaggle's Scheme to definitively close the game.

- Valeera The Hollow; it's simple: she can double the value of your card at cost of one. Be careful to not overdraw, remember: at end of your turn your "not - Shadow Reflection" cards shouldn't be more of 8 otherwise you'll overdraw.

- Emperor Thaurissan; I added it recently. Since you'll often have a lot of cards in your hand, it's excellent to discount them thanks to him.



There are few cards that can be great in this deck, but do not remove the Togwaggle and his lackeys because he is the main reason for this deck. 

- Trade Prince Gallywix ----> Spirit of the Shark. Gallywix fit in very well, he is a 6 mana cost 5/8, a serious treat for the opponent. Play it when the oppo has less or nothing in the board so he has to use some spell to kill it, he will give that spell to you and you can use it with Tess and to upgrade the durability of the Cutlass.

- Spectral Cutlass engine ----> Other control cards. If you don't like the Spectral Cutlass engine or you don't have the dust to craft them you can use other control cards. For sure you have to replace the Cutlass with some healing stuff like Zilliax. You can remove the Cutlass, the Shinyfinder, the two Deadly Poison and the Oil for something like Shaku, the Face Collector, the Ethereal Peddler, Walk the Plank, another Sap, Dirty Rat, Gluttonous Ooze and other more.


Hope you like this deck, leave a comment to let me know how was your experience with it and if you have any suggestions.

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