Mulligan for as many Embiggens as you can while making sure to keep 1 pirate, doesn't matter which one.
Turn 1: Play all Embiggens in your starting hand and a pirate, your board fills with buffed Patches the Pirate. If you've played at least 2 Embiggens you now have 30 damage in the 6 buffed Patches minions. More damage if you played more Embiggens.
Turn 2: Win (usually).
How does Blizzard continue to allow Patches to be used in these types of Brawls?!!?!?!?!??!
"How was your turn 1?!"
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Ridiculous ...
10/10! <3
laughs in counterfeit coins + Flik
Actually, if you just include Naturalize instead of Bloodsail Corsair, you win against Counterfeit Coin and Flik Skyshiv EVERY TIME :)
In the mulligan keep 1x Patches the Pirate and every copy of Naturalize. Mulligan every Embiggen and excess copies of Patches the Pirate
1. In the early game, just Hero Power face.
2. When you have 10-cards in hand - play 1x Embiggen + Hero Power. Repeat for at least few turns, while you collect more Naturalize.
3. In the Late-Game, when you have 5-7 copies of Naturalize and can't play Embiggen anymore... this is your turn. Play 1-mana Patches the Pirate which you kept in mulligan. Play Naturalize on every single copy of Patches the Pirate that you have on the board. Suddenly you are so far ahead in fatigue race, that Rogue has 0 chance to win... (Remember, you also accumulate Armor in the early turns...).
If Rogue decides to play Flik Skyshiv before you do your MILL turn... well, just play Naturalize on it and continue your plan. This way Rogue only speeds up his inevitable loss...
I wrote guide on this, you can check for more if you want. And no, the deck isn't invincible anyways.
Never said it was perfect... :)
I was starting to wonder why no one had posted this deck yet, since it's just beyond broken. I have Southsea Deckhand as the second Pirate (which changes nothing) and went 10-0 in less than 30 mins. Or maybe I lost one mirror, can't remember anymore. No other match comes even close.
One other match up besides the mirror that can be bad is Shaman running Devolve and Beakered Lightning. It's basically make to specifically be anti-this deck.
Yeah, I feel absolutely DIRTY playing this deck, but I've farmed 70 gold from wins in about an hour... Now if you'll excuse me, I must go take a long shower.