Infinite Ice Block Mage

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
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One of the worst menaces you may possibly encounter in the game. Your entire gameplan revolves around drawing Educated Elekk, Ice Block and Potion of Illusion to play them in one turn in the listed order. This way, you guarantee to get the infinite value through constantly shuffling your deck with those two spells and adding Elekk to repeat the cycle. Elemental Allies, ensure that you will get at least most of your spell pieces, though you will still have to wait for Elekk to come.

With Elekk costing (1) after the initial combo, you have few options such as using Frost Lich Jaina's Hero Power or Research Project to mill your opponent. Project is actually important as another card to add to the infinite combo chain, because you can guarantee that you return your other combo spells when you want them to. You can add Sphere of Sapience to the mix to increase the odds of drawing Project.

You can also use Potion of Illusion to copy other minions like Zephrys the Great or Pyros, in case you actually need them to either get something that saves you in a pinch or something that heals you while being DK.

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