DMH Control Warrior

Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
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The past year of additions to Warrior has transformed the class's arsenal to have multiple efficient draw chains that occasionally crossed over. This has radically shifted Warrior as a class, and with such efficient, potent, and near tutor-like draw chains, the class is pretty prime for great control and midrange builds. Briefly, I'll go over this iteration's draw tools, and how this specific deck plans to win in various matchups.

Town Crier gained a significant increase in power with the printing of both Kargath Bladefist and Bloodboil Brute in Ashes of Outland. Both Rushers, as well as Kargath Prime who is also fetchable with Crier, are very potent tools for controlling the board in various matchups, including some of the current top decks in the format. Town Crier, as a 1-drop, is also fantastic with Risky Skipper, which we'll get to below.

Forge of Souls was a pretty low-relevance card for a significant period of time, and was underplayed even further before the nerfing of Corsair Cache. Forge now allows Warrior to draw multiple of their fantastic weapons, which in this deck are Ancharrr, Bulwark of Azzinoth, and Blood Razors. Each of these have their own respective uses in the deck; the Razors are fantastic sweeping tools and work very well with Battle Rage, which is easily the deck's primary draw engine, while Bulwark of Azzinoth is a great life gain tool and pretty strong with a Dead Man's Hand loop. The final weapon brings us to...

Ancharrr, despite having been nerfed, is still a pretty phenomenal card for Warrior's arsenal. It pulls you ahead in small bodies, by dealing with early and small minions, while putting similar minions into your hand. And it just so happens that these Pirates are often of higher value than most enemy early drops. Risky Skipper totally rebuilt the class of Warrior, enabling it in multiple ways, similarly to how Blood Razor had in the past. It allows for both board control and resource advantage simultaneously, generally putting you had a huge advantage. A single Sky Raider is in the deck for improving the quality of Skippers, and putting you ahead in card advantage. These two Pirates, each being 1-drops, enable Coerce pretty well, making for some huge swing plays. Lastly, but often not least, Kobold Stickyfinger is a major hedge against various Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior decks, but with the varied popularity of Sphere of Sapience lately, he's a pretty strong tool to have, even if it isn't always as swingy as taking away a Kingsbane for good.

The class/deck also has some transformative control tools from recent sets, including Lord Barov, Deathwing, Mad Aspect, and Zephrys the Great. Lately, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius has dropped significantly in popularity, but still remains a pretty strong tool in some instances for eking out advantage over a few turns. The deck has a pretty invaluable improvement in its Dead Man's Hand loops in Zephrys, should you manage to curate your hand and deck to allow it against slow and greedy decks. The versatility of the cards in this class allow for it to do reasonably well against most decks in most metas with enough tweaks and adjustments, at least in the hands of an experienced pilot. Basic tenants of Control Warrior still remain the same over the years: constantly measure opposing threats, manage your resources effectively, and consider the biggest threats/how the opponent wins in each deck.

I want to mention a pretty common card in DMH and Control Warrior decks, and why I'm not listing it here. Dirty Rat has been a combo killer since the card was added, and is often a stable to the deck, but I personally feel like it can often be a detriment towards your resources in this current meta. It can often give your opponent free Giants early, free Bakus early, and is often too inconsistent against decks like Reno Priest when trying to pull their key cards. There is some value in Dirty Rat against Discard Warlock, but typically you still want them to pay mana for their cards, since they're often freecasting Hand of Gul'dan and Fist of Jaraxxus already, which already can really exhaust your resources. If the meta was more control dominated, I'd definitely include Dirty Rat in this specific list.

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