Infinite Sathrovarr Quest Warlock Returns!

Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
  • Fun

The initial version of Infinite Sathrovarr Quest Warlock was a ton of fun, but it had some fatal flaws with Rafaam's Scheme's negative interaction with Kanrethad Prime. This version proved to be far better in the late game as Desert Hare still pairs exceptionally well with Plague of Flames to clear, while giving Kanrethad Prime a lot more punch the 3rd and 4th times you summon him!

So, once your opponent gets over the complete shock of seeing the Desert Hare Plague of Flames clear, or the Infectious Sporeling Animated Broomstick transformation, they'll realize something is up when you start copying Sathrovarr with Expired Merchant or Felosophy. But, it'll be too late once you've Plot Twisted Sathrovarr back into your deck and drawn him for 0-mana from the quest reward with Lorekeeper Polkelt's help! You'll drop Sathrovarr on Kanrethad Prime, Lorekeeper Polkelt, Soulciologist Malicia, or Aranasi Broodmother and then copy Sathrovarr with his 0-cost copy to get the infinite game rolling. And your opponent will have to physically push their jaw back into place as they see the chaos of Infinite Sathrovarr unfold...

We've got a gameplay video with highlight games at if you'd like to see it in action. Enjoy, and have an awesome day!

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  • OldKeith's Avatar
    235 59 Posts Joined 09/23/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Gee, your opponent really has to do nothing to allow you for all this setup. cool idea anyway, though


    • SunsetAlchemist's Avatar
      225 24 Posts Joined 02/03/2020
      Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

      It's true that it's a challenge to get everything together. You can clear their boards a couple times with Dark Skies, Desert Hare + Plague of Flames, and maybe even School Spirits. Infectious Sporeling + Animated Broomstick allows you to mess up buffed/deathrattle minions, so there are ways to control a few boards, but some decks do still overwhelm it.

  • Erodos's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    This deck looks like a lot of fun. Could you maybe add a mulligan guide and some possible card substitutions, while explaining which cards are absolutely core?

    • SunsetAlchemist's Avatar
      225 24 Posts Joined 02/03/2020
      Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

      It is! For the mulligan, of course the Quest is always in hand, and in almost every matchup (especially if you think they're aggressive), Dark Skies, and School Spirits are good to keep. Spirit Jailer is a good keep for a tiny bit of tempo, and if you have Desert Hare, you may look for Plague of Flames as a turn 4 clear (especially against matchups likely to run bigger minions relatively early).

      The core pieces to Infinite Sathrovarr are: Supreme Archaeology, Plot Twist, Sathrovarr, Lorekeeper Polkelt (for reorder and discount) and either Felosophy or Expired Merchant. The rest is all flexible for how you want to control and survive to get the puzzle pieces, and what late game pressure piece you'd like to use (this uses Kanrethad Prime and Soulciologist Malicia as the late game payoffs, though Malicia does have diminishing returns at the end).

      Substitutions would be on a case by case basis, depending on what you're missing. If there's something you'd like a recommendation for, let me know and I'll be happy to suggest an alternative. :D


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