Cheap aggro odd mage
- Odd Mage
- Wild
- Ranked
As cheap as I can get it while still retaining usefulness. Go face and you should be able to make it to at least Rank 10. Try to play your cards on curve wherever you can, even if your hero power has a good target. Sometimes it's better to hero power early game while missing out on playing a card, and other times you should ignore the minion and play your card when you have enough mana.
Without Leeroy Jenkins and Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk it really struggles to close out some matches. Do not craft Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk though, but definitely craft Baku the Mooneater and Black Cats. Maybe craft Leeroy Jenkins
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0- 00
- 111
- 02
- 113
- 04
- 75
- 06
- 17+
- 1 Arcane Missiles x 2
- 1 Daring Fire-Eater x 2
- 3 Arcane Intellect x 2
- 3 Black Cat x 2
- 3 Cinderstorm x 2
- 3 Counterspell x 1
- 3 Explosive Runes x 2
- 1 Argent Squire x 2
- 1 Dire Mole x 2
- 1 Fire Fly x 2
- 1 Secretkeeper x 1
- 3 Vicious Fledgling x 2
- 5 Clockwork Automaton x 2
- 5 Cobalt Scalebane x 1
- 5 Fungalmancer x 2
- 5 Nightblade x 2
- 9 Baku the Mooneater x 1
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