The Key to Swindle Quest Rogue

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
  • Fun

We've been experimenting with decks using just 1 minion in Quest Rogue for us to draw out reliably with Swindle lately, and this version is the one we made for Keymaster Alabaster. Of course, getting just one copy of him during a game isn't nearly enough value to force opponents into submission, so we've got 2 copies of Togwaggle's Scheme and Shadow of Death in the deck as well. But, since Shadow of Death is 4 mana on top of Alabaster for 7, we've got Preparation in the deck to help in case you need to pair it with your first copy of the Keymaster.

Galakrond, the Nightmare is in the deck as an alternate draw/healing/value generator if necessary after stabilizing with the quest reward hero power. But, don't forget that both Togwaggle's Scheme and Shadow of Death will work on enemy minions as well, so if they drop some amazing taunts or value generators you'd prefer, pivoting towards them can be game winning.

We've had right around a 50% winrate with the deck thus far, but the awesome value that Keymaster Alabaster can generate is hilarious and extremely fun, so I'd recommend this for someone looking for crazy highlights. We actually had 2 crazy games we decided to highlight in case you'd like to see gameplay with the deck. The first is at and the second is at, or both are available below. Have fun experimenting!


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