Ra Rogue
- Unknown Rogue
- Wild
- Ranked
This is a deck where you summon Highkeeper Ra and if necessary shuffle more copies of it into your deck to win. The Highkeeper Ra animations are some of the best in the game (in my opinion the best) and it is a fun way to win a match.
Your Mogu Cultists combine to summon Highkeeper Ra
Highkeeper Ra appears in all his glory
Prince Taldaram becomes a second copy of Highkeeper Ra (NOTE: Latest version of the deck uses Drakkari Enchanter)
Highkeeper Ra uses his awesome powers to win!
How to get to this point?
You need a Mogu Cultist, Tak Nozwhisker, and a Togwaggle's Scheme or two upgraded to shuffle at least 7 cards in your hand when combined. They only need to shuffle 6 if you have 2 Mogu Cultists in hand.
To prepare the combo, make enough room in your hand so that 7 Mogu Cultists will fit in it after you play the cards to prepare the combo. You usually want to have a Drakkari Enchanter or a second Togwaggle's Scheme if the first one is upgraded enough to get your hand with 7 Mogu Cultists.
Then, play Mogu Cultist, Tak Nozwhisker, and Togwaggle's Scheme on the Mogu Cultist which will result in copies of the cultists being added to your hand.
Next turn, the combo is prepared, so you can play 7 Mogu Cultists to form Highkeeper Ra. Remember to clear your side of the board of minions before you do so, sometimes an opponent won't clear Tak Nozwhisker the turn after your combo preparation in which case using Shadowstep on it next turn to clear your side of the board may be necessary. After you summon Highkeeper Ra, play Drakkari Enchanter so that Highkeeper Ra will do 40 damage to all enemies at the end of your turn. An alternative that works better against decks with tons of armor is to use your second copy of the scheme to shuffle more Highkeeper Ras into your deck.
One final tip is that you can play your other copy of Drakkari Enchanter earlier and she will make your Togwaggle's Schemes upgrade twice as fast.
I hope you enjoy this deck, and if you have any questions or comments about it please comment below.
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9Update #1
Card changes 3 years, 5 months ago (Battlegrounds Revamp)
- EVIL Miscreant 2
- Pen Flinger 2
- Drakkari Enchanter 2
- Foxy Fraud 2
- Prize Plunderer 2
- Scabbs Cutterbutter 1
- Efficient Octo-bot 2
- Field Contact 2
- Bloodmage Thalnos -1
- Vanish -2
- Sap -2
- Prince Taldaram -1
- Doomsayer -2
- Potion of Illusion -1
- Loot Hoarder -1
- Sphere of Sapience -1
- Grand Empress Shek'zara -1
- Antique Healbot -1
- Preparation -2
- 40
- 81
- 62
- 83
- 34
- 05
- 06
- 17+
- 0 Backstab x 2
- 0 Shadowstep x 2
- 1 Prize Plunderer x 2
- 1 Togwaggle's Scheme x 2
- 2 Foxy Fraud x 2
- 2 Swindle x 2
- 3 Efficient Octo-bot x 2
- 3 EVIL Miscreant x 2
- 3 Field Contact x 2
- 4 Elven Minstrel x 2
- 4 Scabbs Cutterbutter x 1
- 7 Tak Nozwhisker x 1
- 1 Mogu Cultist x 2
- 1 Pen Flinger x 2
- 2 Novice Engineer x 2
- 3 Drakkari Enchanter x 2
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Consider adding Edwin Vancleef to this deck.
Portrait: Maiev
Cardback: Year of the Raven
I'm working on this deck to make it an otk deck with synergies towards one plan. I'll keep you updated.
EDIT : Nvm, I don't think i can come up with something good
I would love to see this work, is there a video upload possible?
Are you still interested in a video? I now have the capability to do it.
A video would look really cool, I personally don’t want to upload Hearthstone videos on my youtube account so I don’t make them but if anyone wants to make a video maybe they could comment it.
Next game bottom 7. Why am I so unlucky?
ok, now two schemes but no mogu....
Next game no swindle or healbot? What's your win rate?
My winrate is about 30-40 percent, this is a fun level deck not really meta so it’s not going to be high.
As it seems that I most of the cards, I want to try this deck out (mostly for the Shek'zara achievement). I would just need a replacement for Sphere of Sapience. I guess any card draw would be fine?
Any card draw or add a second Antique Healbot.
Thx. Btw. you missed the opportunity to call this "Ri Ra Rogue"
Lol, first game both Schemes in the bottom 5
It depends on your draw, last game I played with this yesterday both schemes were the bottom 2 cards in the deck but I still won by drawing quickly and the opponent was a slow ress priest deck so I didn’t face too much pressure and stalled the game with Saps, Doomsayers, and Vanishes.