Greetings all,
I just thought of posting ANY of my home-brewed decks since I got my OutofCards account live, but essentially; you play mechs.
Book of Specters is a GREAT cycle since you have no other spells (other than 2nd Book), combine that with a Galvanizer \ Mechwarper for an explosive (someitmes game-winning) start.
if you do reach mid to late game, Aluneth guarentees you a board every turn, so it depends on how much removals your opponent has and how many turns before he runs out of them at that point.
out of all the cards included, Flying Machine stands out as the black sheep. and although it may seem inconsistent (and honestly IS inconsistent), the early game potential with a discounted SN1P-SN4P (or even any *Magnetic* minion) is just too much to overlook.
Anyway, this is just a short intro to the deck,, welcome to everyone (=
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