Egg Zoolock

Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
  • Ranked

This deck works really well I have 62% winrate in 37 games in casual games. I do think it could work well in ranked too tho maybe at least at rank 10?

Imma give it a try in ranked and let you all know how well I do with it.

Anyways the mulligan for this deck depends on whether you have coin or not but usually I try to get a 1 drop such as Fire Fly, Kobold Librarian, or Possed Villager to play on turn 1.

With coin I like to sometimes play an egg on turn 1 but it sorta depends on if I have an activator for the egg or not in my hand.

While not nessecary Rafaam does give this deck a nice way to beat control decks or to finish a game that you're already winning by replacing all those 1 drops and low cost cards into legendaries. You could also replace him with Leeroy I suppose but I do like Rafaam in this deck alot.

Why do I have only 1 Despicable Dreadlord in my deck you ask? Well it helps against other aggressive decks such as odd paladin but it's not nessecary.

You could totally replace it with something else if you want to. Perhaps something like The Soularium for more draw since this deck is lacking in that aspect.

Let me know what you think of this deck in the comments!

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