Quest Rogue is Tier 1

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual

I honestly can't believe I underestimated the unnerfs quite hard. I immediately tried it and it was insane.

When I reach legend, I'll make a guide for it. I was at silver 9, now I'm diamond 5. In 3 hours.

I reached legend, but I'm too busy lazy to make a guide for it, sorry to disappoint..


Took out Patches the Pirate because I draw it more than I actually summon it. Also took out Questing Explorer because it's useless after the quest finishes, even though the body did help a lot. And I took out Prize Plunderer because I didn't like it that much.

Slotted in Captain's Parrot because I forgot that card existed and it literally draws your win conditions. Also forgot Crabrider's existence. And slotted in an extra Vicious Scalehide for extra aggro tears.

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