Griftah Wild Even Shaman

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hey folks

Never added a deck before or written a guide (so this one will be lacking likely) but had a good run from rank 16 to 5 with 82% win rate.  I won't add 82% win rate to click bait the guide as rank 16 not exactly top legend!

Free 2 Play so only have mainly commons and rares and this is a pretty cheap deck assuming you already have Genn.  Packed Griftah so decided to add him for fun.

Obviously there are lots of Even Shaman lists in Wild, and some much better than this one.  I'm not claiming to have invented it.  Certainly don't craft Griftah unless you are a madman/madwoman :)

Can be useful to overdraw control/combo opponents, or get a lucky discover.  All in all can add a bit of variety to your games and as we all know - RNG is fun!??  (sometimes)

I like Ancestral Knowledge as this deck can run out of steam.

Thunderhead maybe not good - just added it and playing around with it.


Mulligan Guide

Against priest always hard mulligan for devolve and hex.  Try to devolve their [Hearthstone Card (Archmage Vargoth) Not Found] and hex large value threats.   I party played this deck to target this deck as I dislike losing against it in particular.

Wow what a thorough mulligan guide!  Now you plenty good deck expert!



Played around with Hagatha but doesn't really fit this deck.  Most of the games played had her in the deck though recently replaced with Thunderhead

Hungry Dragon great against res priests.

Flamewreathed Faceless often picked and great if opponent has no answer but hefty overload.

Historically good cards like Aya Blackpaw ,The Lich King , Ragnaros the Firelord are pretty always good upgrades here.

Mojomaster Zihi is also worth thinking about as this deck doesn't have expensive minions and can be great against upcoming big plays from control decks.


Anyway, this won't shatter the wild meta but it's not crazy expensive and can do well.  So if you want to try it out, or have cheap card replacement suggestions feel free to make them!  Not that great again mage I found which is the meta right now.


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