[Wild] Egg Zoo

Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
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This is how a normal match will go:

You start with some normal Zoolock opener, maybe a Flame Imp or such. "Oh, I haven't seen a Zoolock in a while", thinks your opponent. The Nerubian Egg drops, and they're not thinking much of it. But then Devilsaur Egg drops. A bit of a funky build, eh? Wrong. The Scarab Egg is also there. Your opponent is expecting a traditional activator, like Acherus Veteran or Defender of Argus, but boy, are they in for a surprise. Power Overwhelming into Ratcatcher or Void Terror destroys one egg, Ravenous Pterrordax another. Your opponent is overwhelmed by multiple big bodies on the board by turn five, and your inner Timmy cries of joy as you finally manage to reach rank 18.

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