Mad Rhyssa

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Ranked

Trying to just do a few games with a maximum crazy secret pack. (Always wanted to use Subject 9).


14 secrets are running havoc. Refined it adding the muster for battle to fit in the curve.

It´s a "Christmax Tree" deck. Whatever your opponent does might be the wrong decision and poof you got him :-).


Secrets are also refined. Used two kodos but replaced one with the second competative spirit. Never use the twinspell for secrets or eye for an eye/saced trial. Both will do more harm then good.

Most cards are quite clear. All about secrets. You don´t play for long games so it´s fine when all 14 secrets are drawn/used by T6 HeHe.

Noticeable are the two taunt in the deck. Especially combined with redemption they are seriously anoying. So think about using them.


The deck plays great. I overrunn metadecks regulary. But shure not always.



  If you miss Burnbristle  a Stonehill defender will do it.  With this change you can add a Crystology to replace some other missing card. Stonehill is a bit better with kodo but worse with redemtion and both Zilliax and Burnbristle are hard combos with redemtion stalling and protection your minions to finish the game.


Other fitting cards:  Loatheb and Leroy. Both can end the game well but i had noticeable bad experience starting at 12 secrets so be careful with adapting.

A Spellbreaker is cheap and will also fit as replacement.


Be aware that this deck is made to preassure and might have no secrets in the deck by T6 which is it´s strength. So 2x Bellringer, Subject and Challenger are key cards with 14 secrets. You might replace getaway Kodo. I did try a bit with loatheb and 13 secrets but somhow it did´t convince me. I think Leroy is better.

Some migth think 2x Challenger is better then Subject. In hand you can not only control better what you want as effect you can play both quite recless usually leading to conceede.... So use them both ;-).


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  • W0lfr1c's Avatar
    210 128 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Liam won´t have targets left ;-). Yes i did think about him ... For a second. He does not fit. Also Geist is 6 mana. Half of the games there is not much left for 1 mana.


    Yes the deck can run out of steam. I also had 1-7 life and then lost. Here you can think about leeroy.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I tested out your deck and I must say I'm in love with your deck. You should consider adding Prince Liam since half of your deck consists of 1-Mana cards and you can prevent Skulking Geist from destroying your deck.

  • sebomatikus's Avatar
    Face Collector 495 66 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I think I'm doing something wrong. Played 4 games, went 0-4.

    Cubelock and Big Rogue stabilized (at 2 and 5 life respectively!) and I had no reach to finish them off.

    Odd Paladin and Mech Hunter got the board faster and better than I did and let me never come back.

    Generally run out of gas quickly, only drew Subject 9 once, never drew Tarim, Zilliax nor Mysterious Challenger.


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