Secret Paladin - Rastakhan's

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
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Overall, the idea is pretty simple for Secret Paladin - try to disrupt the gameplan of the opponent with well-played secrets.

Your own gameplan is to get some minions on the board, then burst the opponent down with buffs and such. You can do this in several different ways.

Fill the board with little dudes, and win with chip damage over time (not very common).

Make the little dudes bigger with Sunkeeper Tarim. This works best if you also make their big dudes smaller at the same time.

Use Blessing of Kings on a Thrallmar Farseer or a Corpsetaker for some serious surprise burst damage.


Obviously, some of this deck will rotate with the start of the Year of the Dragon, but some major pieces will still be here. The archetype could survive. Maybe.

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