Synesthesy's Miracle Giant Bananas Rogue

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
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Hello everyone, this is my iteration of a classic of Hearthstone, miracle rogue!

Why Giant Miracle.... banana?

Because the main win condition of this deck are based on Arcane Giant, and because we like to play spell generators like Banana Buffoon.

How does this work?

Well, I think that everyone here knows how a miracle rogue works: you play Gadgetzan Auctioneer and every low cost spell you can to draw through your deck. While old miracle rogues used as win condition high powerfull minions like questing adventurer or Edwin van Cleef, we instead use Arcane Giant because they are infinite.
This deck plays three phases: after phase 3 has been completed, you have infinite unbeatable resources that will make you defeat everything is not a mecha'thun or something like that.

Phase one: early game (turn 1 to 5 at least)

In the early game you have some cards that you can play to make your board while generating token spell to use later: Razorpetal Lasher and Banana Buffoon are 2/2 that can help you fight for the board, even if they aren't the best tempo play; Mad Scientist will thin your deck while making you play more copies of your token generator. The king of this phase is Fal'dorei Strider: ideally you should play at least 1, better if 2 or 3 (either different copies or with the help of Shadowstep and Cheat Death) before your miracle will begin. This is not the best curve ever, but it will still be better then some control deck, making your opponent wasting resources and making misplay to try to play aroung Cheat Death. Waiting for phase 2, Tomb Pillager is a very good minion to play.

Phase two: the miracle (ideally turn 6 or 7, until turn 9)

Now you are ready for a miracle! Turn you sax out while you play your first Gadgetzan Auctioneer. If phase one has been done well, you now have your hand full of cheap spell, some of them token: you should use them to draw the most you can! You aren't wasting resources, because the more you draw, the more 4/4 spiders you summon. So play bananas on your Gadgetzan Auctioneer to make him stronger, clear opponent board and summon your own!

Phase three: change your game (turn 9 and over)

Now after your 4/4 spiders have been played and destroyed (assuming your opponent hasn't conceded yet), you should play your Valeera the Hollow ASAP. Then, the game will change with the help of two cards: the giants and the Lab Recruiter.
Now the Giants should cost 0, so you can drop one of them, play Lab Recruiter on him, then a second Lab Recruiter (generated from your Hero Power: this is why we play only one of them!) on the first. Now your deck will contain 3 more Arcane Giant and 3 more Lab Recruiter. Death Knight Hero Power means that you can play 2 giants every turn from now to victory, or playing other Lab Recruiter to go infinite.
You can even play a second miracle if you have your second Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Just try not to empty too much your Giant hand in a brawl ;)

Infinite giants will make you win against almost anything.


How to play this deck: understand if you'll miracle or not

Against aggro deck you won't play your miracle, you won't have enough time. For win, you aim to exhaust your opponent's resources, so you should play your spell to save your like instead to wait for a miracle. In this kind of match-up, even drawing 1 or 2 card from an Auctioneer is good.
Instead against control you should try to wait your miracle turn, because if you are able to do this, you'll probably win. Remember that most of control decks won't make an unbreakable board before turn 10, so you'll be able to race them with spiders first and then giants.

Against big priest... well, is nice. Sap is an anti-Barnes tech, then if you are able to survive, even a Big Priest will not be able to defeat an army of Giants. Try to use coins to play your first miracle turn asap and you'll get your chance to win.


Mulligan guide

Against aggro aim for damage spells and for your cheap minions. Against control, keep your Auctioneer. Against Big Priest hard mulligan for Auctioner and Sap.


Budget Version

This deck uses only one legendary cards, that is hard to replace. However, you can still go infinite if you put a second Lab Recruiter; if you don't find enough control deck you can even use a Togwaggle scheme instead.

Instead, all the epics are necessary for this deck to work.

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